JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Darlene: The pre-sentencing process was very long and
drug out over a matter of about a year. I didn't
actually do the crime, but with my record the
prosecutor didn't believe me, I wanted to take
it to trial but I ended up with of course
a "public pretender" that didn't give a damn
about me or my case. My original plan was to
sign into drug court and stick with that program
for 2 years and have the charges dropped, but
Drug Court requires an extreme amount of time
out of you, and I couldn't dedicate myself to
Drug Court so I had decided to get sentenced and
do my 4 months. While waiting to be sentenced
they held me in jail for 11 days. Ryan: I was not presentenced, I was detained on a
bench warrant for a speeding ticket and a drug
charge that I didn't go to court for. Janis: I was given community service because I was
pregnent, but I lived an hour out of town with
no car, and no buses go there, so when I failed
to do the community service by a certain time ,
I was given jail time.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Darlene: No, the police did not stop by my house. I had
been doing work crew on jail alternatives
through the Skagit County Sheriffs office on
another charge and I went to work crew Monday
morning not thinking anything of it, just
another day. So instead of the work crew van
going to a job site for us to get started the
work crew supervisor drove over to the sheriffs
office where a detective was waiting to question
me, and eventually charge me. So me being
questioned by a detective about new charges
violated my work crew so they put me in jail.
After I got out of jail a couple month's later
I got the paperwork stating that I was in fact
being charged with the crimes, I tried doing
drug court and wasn't comitted to being clean
and sober at the time so I didnt show up for
treatment or court and had a felony warrent
issued and got picked up at my friends house for
new felony charges that I recently finished my
commitment on. Ryan: No, I was driving in Burlington with a headlight
out and I was pulled over. I was then told I
might be released, but the jail wanted me on the
warrants. Janis: No. I was on my way to work and got pulled over.
The SHeriff then informed me of my warrant and
took me to jail.My son was only 2 1/2 months old
and I also lost my job because of the days I
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Darlene: Court took months and months, continuance after
continuance. I never got a chance to actually
say one word to the judge or prosecutor myself,
I never got to defend myself. First I had my
Arraignment stating what I was charged with
asking if I was pleading guilty or not guilty, I
pled not guilty. Then there was a bunch of
continuances and me meeting with my public
defender in between hearings, after arraignment
comes trial, my public defender claims he didn't
think we would win at the trial he stated that
if we loose I may get the max, that's how they
scare you into accepting the "deal" from the
prosecutor, I personally think he was to lazy to
do the work of a trial. So I asked about the
drug court and I screwed that up, I wasn't
committed enough to staying clean and sober at
the time so I ended up in jail for those 11 days
previously mentioned. So in order for me to get
released from jail and avoid bail jumping
charges the prosecutor made me a deal saying she
would have me released and not charge me with
bail jumping so I was forced into pleading
guilty and was released the morning following my
sentencing to go to jail alternatives and set up
my commitment date to turn my self in for 4
Ryan: Court in Skagit County is a slow process. In
previous cases it took me more than an hour and
a half to see the judge. The judge that I had
was pretty strict and pretty much always gave
the maximum sentence/penalty. Janis: The courtroom was pretty full, and at least half
of the people were there for traffic offenses
like me.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Darlene: My original charges were Possession of stolen
property 2nd degree and Criminal impersonation
2nd degree. The Criminal impersonation ended up
getting dropped and I was charges with the
Possession of stolen property 2nd degree Ryan: Charged with DWLS 3rd, and possesion of less
than 40 grams. Janis: Hit and run, dropped to hit and run unattended.