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Interview with Nancy and Bryce

JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't.
Nancy: placed in one-man cell next to african-american male that yelled about "bitches,ho's & white-trash sluts". Deputies wouldn't respond to my complaints re:racism or allow me to move to another cell.
Bryce: No I did not, I was minimum security and everyone in the Banana Suits was relaxed and laid back. For the most part their were no arguments. I was only doing 15 days and had no reason to obtain a new charge.

JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates?
Nancy: once placed in all-female pod, try not to let drama&gossip affect you,grouped up with others against "trouble-makers", would argue with problem inmates, report to deputy with no resolution, retreat to cell to read & avoid confrontation, request to be transferred to another pod and go thru the same process again.
Bryce: Knowing that I had a short sentence was enough to not cause any problems or if a problem was started, I knew to walk away so that a new charge was not obtained. No body really caused any problems, or if they did the deputy would put them on lock down.

JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change?
Nancy: cannot request to bunk w/"friends" due-to gang/conspiracy/escape reasons. Initial celly (very awesome,is lesbian)stayed 5/wks,she transferred to another pod,alone 10/days.2nd-3/days,stole/my/canteen,she transferred to another pod(no/charges/filed).alone 2/days.3rd-2/days,then she was released.alone 2/days.I was released.
Bryce: No you were not able to obtain a cellie that you knew, the deputy would fill the cells as new inmates came into your pod. The only time cellmates were changed was if yours got released and a new one entered the POD.

Read about time off for good behavior in the Douglas County Jail

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