JM: How many different blocks were there? Nancy: Iam aware of 5/separate/female-pods.There/may-be
additional/ones/tho. Bryce: 3 POD for each color. Yellow, Orange, and Red.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Nancy: Number= "sally-port" location. Letters= block/pod
location such as Pod 1A,1B,1C,1D,1E. Bryce: The names were A though H. For each color of
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Nancy: 1A=female administrative
segregation(Ad-Seg),involved w/in-house physical
fights/or/serious crimes(i.e.:murder,gang
violence).1B=serving time for felonies&are repeat
risks,&/or gang
involvement(cant/be/trustees).1C=serving time for
misdemeanors.1D(intake/initial pod)=awaiting
sentenced and capable of being trustees(no flight
risks). Bryce: In the yellow blocks, the inmates were minimum
security, in the orange blocks the inmates were
medium security, and the red blocks were maximum
security. They were all spread about the jail A
through H Block.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Nancy: 1D=extremely over-crowed,3-bunks(inmates)
per/cell,sometimes also w/a"boat"on
floor.Loud,dangerous(as felons&misdemeanors housed
together),no canteen available.Showers ROCK
tho.1E=2bunks per/cell,most housing one
inmate.Canteen available/weekly.Can go to "work"
outside of
up-front(so each/inmate knows their out-date&has
hope for the future),deputies more lenient
w/"contraband" in cell,microwave,hot-water
faucet,2televisions. WORST PART OF ALL
BLOCKS=deputies inconsistent w/rules&what they
consider "appropriate behavior". Bryce: Being in yellow block we were only locked down
during the night and from 230pm to 4pm each and
every day. I'm not sure how long orange blocks were
locked down for. But red is lock down 23 hours a
day. They were let out to eat and that was all.