JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Ron: choose there friends wisely so they keep them
selfs out of trouble.write or call your family
often.Try not to think about what everyone is
doing on the streets and just keep your mind on
other things. JM: The person going is likely going to have to become
more aggressive to survive the jail. They will be
emotionally frazzled when they come out, and it's
best to give them some leeway. Julianne: pray for them because while they are in jail its
not the prisioners to fear its the correction
officers who will make a deal with inmates to
harm someone. most of this is a set up anyway. Rick: do what i can to help them get out faster just
try to keep your mind busy doing stuff in there
and dont think about the out side to much makes
for a longer day
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Ron: learn from the other inmates and see what there
lifes are like and do everything in your power
to change your ways so you never have to go
through this ever again. JM: Keep your head down and stay out of trouble. No
sense in getting into more trouble in jail. Julianne: pray Rick: keep to your self stay off other peoples beds
and there place of rest and your frist few dasy
probley the hardest or frist week in go with the
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Julianne: i went to jail for not signing a ticket always
sign even if you know they are liars. and does
it matter if your at a stop and they say you ran
it its your word against theirs... i just went
threw this and its very demeaning i also had one
other very hard thing to understand good thing
the people i was with told the truth and i was
set free from all of it.