JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Ron: Yes. As long as they were not broken and in need
of repair. JM: You do. They are not great, but they work for the
most part. Julianne: at that time i called collect Rick: yess you get a one min phone calls to any cells
or phons but they will half to set up an account
so you can keep talking some one can go to wall
mart buy a debit card put 20 30 dollars on it so
you can talk to that one person later on
comseary money you can buy a phone card to call
out to any phone
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Ron: If I remember right it was only $2.13 per call,
and you get fifteen
minutes and it warns you when you have a minute
left, then cuts you off. JM: You can make a collect call, or use a calling card. Julianne: i feel sorry for anyone who has a traffic ticket
and has to go to jail for a stupid traffic
ticket Rick: the phone will add up fast it is a lot of money
if you talk a lot there is not much to do in
there but just sit board off your ass just to
here some one on the out side can make it better
or worse but it adds up fast
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Ron: You are able to buy phone cards from commissary,
but you over pay alot, and don't get many
minutes. And you cannot have phone cards sent in
from family, if you want them you have to buy
them from the facility. JM: You can if you want to, they aren't worth the money,
but it saves your family money in the long run. Julianne: no Rick: yess to call out you need to buy a phone card
from comseary
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Ron: They are suppose to and I believe calls are
recorded. But sometimes they do cut into calls
and listen. JM: They supposedly do, and you will hear stories about
inmates that get in trouble or sent to segregation
because they harassed someone over the phone. Julianne: i dont know Rick: they say they screen all calls going in and out
so i would just watch what you say just in case
if they do screen