JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Ron: No I got along with most just fine. When you get
in there you find you have more in common and it
is not worth it to start trouble. JM: Some yes and some no. Certain inmates are
innately angry and will argue with whomever is
willing to argue. You also have to take into
consideration how you will be treated, if they
sense a weakness it will be exploited and you
likely will be mistreated. It's best to keep to
yourself and to make casual acquaintances- do not
discuss your case with other inmates as they will
also use that against you- there are several CI in
the jail willing to use you to get their sentences
lowered. Julianne: every one was wonderful all the prisoners were
very wonderful,,, the guards were evil sorry to
have to be honest. but the guards were very evil Rick: i got a long good with the other inmates im a
good people person and like in school when you
where a kid share or trade stuff from your
lunchs or dinners and you make friends fast and
if you get comseary even better coffie is like
gold in there every one wants it lol and fruit
flav packs of drinks where a good one to for
trade and stuff you dont get much in side so
anything that taste good like the out side is
good to have and for trade..
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Ron: Refrain from saying things that I would normally
speak up about on the streets. JM: I stayed in my room mostly, I read and wrote
letters. The advice my lawyer gave me was to keep
my head down and stay out of trouble, as a fight
in the jail can give the prosecuting attorney more
information to make a case against you. If you
are arrested for battery, and you fight, the
attorney then has proof that you're a violent
person. Julianne: i didnt have to do anything they all sang
christian songs. and played cards. and we prayed
for each other, Rick: keep your feet off some one elses bed thats
there space keep to yours and out of some one
elses and you are good learn to share stuff its
like back in garde school to your hands and feet
to your self and watch what you say....
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Ron: Yes, you are able to sumit a request to be
housed in a certian wing, dorm, and bunk. JM: You can, but it's not always a given. The jail is
fairly over crowded, and that limits space. But it
is possible if you have the right CO. Julianne: i knew all of their charges, and to me they are
innocnet, most of them were traffic one girl was
arrested for taking from her fathers home her
own computer, Rick: no one change at my block and we all got along
good with each other