JM: How long was your sentencing for? Ron: I spent 7 months in CCA while I was going
through all my court hearings. Between the
public defender not having time to look over my
case, my family saved up the money and hired a
private attorney. After that it was just my
attorney making a deal with the state attorney. JM: I spent five months in the jail before being
sentenced to six months probation with early
termination once I gave up a state license. Julianne: i am a christian. jesus and angels are over me.
like samson i guess i have a reason to be alive
i dont want to hurt anyone but when someone
abuses someone, for no good reason....
my sentance for the first one was removed the
second was go to see fightmaster who i chose
because i knew him before,,, in jesus i will see
all who hurt their neighbor the bigest crime is
lack of love,,, you see. we live in broken laws.
of god. not man made laws... we were orderd by
god to love him and then to love each other as
our self.. seducing spirits are over us and this
is the hardest thing to fight.. when i was
raped. i can tell you... as a child i was four
when harry browning molested two little girls in
my home in the bathroom... when i saw what he
did to vicki i ran and got my father i was
screaming daddy harry had a knife he was going
to kill us i am sure of this. if we are dead no
one would have know i had to go to court for
this and what he said we wanted it what got me
out of it was i went and got my daddy i know
better to fight a rapest they tell people you
want it... if you fight they kill. i was beaten
witha wooden bread board by william marino of
chino calif he beat my children and me. he held
a hammer over my babies and my head, glad jesus
will repay Rick: year probacton 50 work hrs and a shop lifters
course to take in your own home
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Ron: Yes. After the hearing they placed us in the
holding cell for 1 to 3 hours with nothing to
eat then took us back to our dorm. JM: I spent quite a bit of time in the hold cells. It's
not terrible as long as you're not in the cell with
someone that has an attitude problem. Many inmates
find several reasons to complain, and will often get
angry and start yelling while waiting to go to court
or waiting to be transferred back to the dorms. Julianne: i was in jail the second time for three days in
which i did not eat i fasted and prayed. and
feared all who were rulers and powers because
once you are told you broke a law. even if you
didnt do it you are guilty and treated as such Rick: went to houseing to the cells