JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Ron: Sweat shirt and sweat pants were the most
common, white tee-shirts and your brown uniform. JM: Flip flops- grey uniform. White shirt, grey
sweatpants or sweatshirt. Julianne: they strip you naked give you a shirt an pants
they are terrorist. Rick: sweat pains shirts thick scoks and boxers
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Ron: Brown pants and brown one pocket tee, uniform
was almost like medical scrubs. JM: One set, changed three times a week. It looked like
scrubs. Julianne: beige short sleeve long pants i had no shoes,
because they said i kicked a liar i never
kickedhim i went to my bathroom he broke in beat
me up for no good reason and i will see officer
holley before god on my judgement day..he had no
reason to do this to me. none. i broke no law,
to be arrested, even if i was seeing two people
beat on my son. i did not break the law. Rick: orange shirt. white t. one boxer one pair scoks
and later on i got my old shoes back in my cell
to where that was nice
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Ron: gray sweat shirt,white tee-shirt, white boxers. JM: No. You could order clothes from the commissary. You
get the same clothes each week. Julianne: its a shame for everyone to suffer this Rick: be ready to go all ready in your oranges they
gave you and name tag out in poctet
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Ron: the females wore orange and the males wore brown. JM: Yes. Men wore brown, women orange. Youths wear
yellow, medical issues and trouble inmates wear red.
Working inmates wear green. Julianne: i dont really know but to what i remember no Rick: not realy