Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Ryan: i was in there until i found out the case was
dropped Ron: i dont know about that i was in there for a
whole month until my court date and was released Sandra: no, i was bonded out. Jose: yes they gave 5 days gain time for not getting
into any fights or mis behaving in any way Rob: no i had alreay got out on a ror by the judge so
i din't stay in long enough Andre: i was already out i didnt have to stay in that
long to really know all about that Jen: No, I got bonded out. So, behavior didn't matter
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Ryan: i dont knowdo what you are told and stay out of
trouble Ron: i dont know how that works i never been in that
situation Sandra: i do not know, i was not in that long. Jose: the most time is 5days each month or if you
become a trustee you can earn 10-20 a month for
good time Rob: the most time you can get off for good behavior
is five days for each month or if youre a trustee
it is ten to twenty days off a month Andre: im not sure i heard it was 5 days off each month
you stay in there Jen: I think you get 10 days off or 8 for good behavior.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Ryan: dont get into any fights or arguments with others Ron: i heard that all you have to do is do what you
are told by the officer dont get into a fight
dont argue with any one stay on your best
behavior Sandra: just do the right thing. Jose: the types of action to avoid is getting into
fights argueing with other inmates dont talk back
to the officers do what you are told to do Rob: i didn't avoid any actions i got released on the
same day Andre: all you do is not get in any fights or any
otherkind aggressive behavior Jen: Well, you can't fight. You have to make your bed
everyday, no contraband, no stealing, must take
showers as required and attend classes. Going to
church is a plus too, they want you to show change.