Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Ryan: the pre sentencing was a long time for them to
make a decision then they said jail time Ron: the pre sentencing was a long wait the attorney
was trying to get the facts all down to get
things straighten out Sandra: the pre-sentencing takes to long for the
progress. they need to get better. Jose: the pre sentencing was a long wait and process
the attorney and judge had to compromise about
the case Rob: the precentencing was a very long wait and
difficult Andre: my pre sentencing went okay not what i expect it
to be Jen: Long and drawn out. I was in jail for 10 days before
I was bonded out and waited a court date unil
December, I was released in September, so I would
have been in jail for 2 months or more. After that I
was asked to do Drug court and awaited a contract
date until April the next year.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Ryan: no the police came to my home and arrested me
and my faince on a warrant issued for the
accused crime Ron: no they stopped me for someone accused me drivng
reckless and hitting them Sandra: no Jose: no the police came to me when i was reporting a
theft then they called my name into the distpater
and came back a warrant on me for a failure to
appear Rob: no the police came to my friends house where i
was visiting him i was sleeping in my rv and the
officer came knocking then arrested me for using
my rv as living quarters Andre: no police came to my house Jen: No a police never stopped by my house for
questioning, I was arrested when my friend was
pulled over for having no tag light. We had just
parked at a hotel where my friends were having a
party when the lights by the police were turned on
as my feet touched the ground to get out of the
car. I figured once the keys were out of the
ignition and I was out of the car I was no longer
involved. However, that wasn't the case. I was
asked to get back in the car, so I did. Then, the
police asked for my ID I lied and said I didn't
have it hoping they would let me go, I had nothing
to do with her freaking tag light. After that they
asked if they could search her vehicle. She said
yes. I asked if I could get my belongings, they
said no. At that point in time they searched my
purse and found 3 nicks, blunts and a little bit
of molly in a siliphane wrapper. I was arrested
after that. They found a crack pipe of hers but
let her go.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Ryan: the court apperance was crazy dcf kept trying to
put things aginst us that we never did plus it
was a long procedure with the state attorney Ron: my court appearence was scary the jude was
putting people back in jail for nothing when it
was my turn thank fully it was just for hiring a
lawyer so i siad i wanted a public defender to
represent me Sandra: the courthouse takes to long with the cases. Jose: the court appearence was held inside the jail on
via tv it was long wait to be called up and was
hard to talk to the attorney Rob: my court apperance was very long wait nervous and
hoped to be a good judge Andre: court was alright it was a bit scary at first
when my case came up the judge asked questions
to my lawyer and then to me it was like
convincing the judge i didnt do the crime Jen: Court was quick, only because I was bonded out. I
was asked to be diverted into Drug Court, so the
process didn't take long in the actual court room.
What took long was waiting to actually begin Drug
Court itself. I waited over 4 months to begin the
program, which ended up being very expensive.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Andre: my charge was using vehicle as living quarters
all because i lost my home and i was just trying
to have a safe place to park to sleep Jen: Giving False name, Posession of marijuana less than
20 grams, possession of MDMA, and possession of