Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Ryan: i was in there for 1 month until the case was
dropped Ron: it took four hours until iwas called up i was
found innocent due to there was enough proof
that the other person did not get hit by me Sandra: 3 days. Jose: it was a long wait it took me 20 days before the
court date the state wanted to put me in for 90
days but the attorney got the state to 45 days in
jail Rob: the judge released me on a ror i was released the
same day Andre: it was only 1 day my lawyer convinced the judge
that that was not a serious crime to actually
put me back in jail Jen: They told me it would be for 5 years.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Ryan: yes it was scary with others that was in there
from a drug crime plus i had a siezure and the
nurse says i was faking it i told her i've had
siezures since 18 years old Ron: no before the sentencing iwas in a holding cell
it wasnt good the correction officer was rude
about using the restroom other inmates was being
crazy yelling /being all hyper Sandra: no Jose: no i was already in a regular cell before i went
for the court hearing after it was done they sent
me back to the cell Rob: yes i was already put in a regular cell after
booking then went to court then put back in until
i was released Andre: no i was already released on my own recongise Jen: No, I did not spend time in a holding cell after my
sentencing. I was sentenced to Drug Court for 1
year, doing group meetings and drug treatment. It's
a long process and expensive.