Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Ryan: yes they gave us a certain time to use the phone Ron: yes to a some what like a pay phone Sandra: yes Jose: yes the phones was turned on only at certain
times of the day then it was hard to use a phone
due to other inmates stay on the phone too long Rob: yes but did not have enough time to talk to who
you call long Andre: yes they had a payphone type and it was only be
used at a certain time Jen: No, I didn't have much money put on the phones for
me so I called every few days. I wrote more.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Ryan: the calls were free unless the person who you
are calling gets billed Ron: it depend on who you was calling out of state
was like $50 in town was$10 Sandra: it was 35.00dollors to call Jose: you would have to have a phone card or the person
you are calling has to put special minutes on the
phone to accept the calls Rob: a calling card or a prepaid money service Andre: the person you called had to use payment plan Jen: It's like 20 dollars for 15 minutes and time went
very quickly. They would charge 50 cent per minute
if you had a debit account.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Ryan: no Ron: no it was automatically charged to the person wh
you was calling Sandra: no, not that i know of. Jose: no i didnt i couldnt call because they blocked my
calls saying there was a injuction on me against
my wife and she didn't put one on me due to that
i called and talked to her from booking before
they put me in a cell Rob: no the calls accepted collect calls Andre: no never need to do that Jen: No people on the outside had to do that for you.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Ryan: yes they always have it recorded due to safety
reasons Ron: yes the first thing it says that the line is
being recorded Sandra: yes Jose: yes they recorded all calls for security reasons Rob: yes they always have it recorded Andre: yes the calls are always recorded Jen: Of course they screened them, they never told you
but they still did it. ALL CALLS ARE MONITORED.