Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Ryan: 3 meals a day Ron: i had three meals a day which was not feeling
very little portions Sandra: 3 Jose: everyone had got three meals a day Rob: everyone got three meals a day Andre: they give 3 meals a day Jen: 3 meals per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Ryan: not very good they dont serve enough to fill you
up Ron: i would rate the food not very good alot of time
the food was served cold even when its supposed
to be cooked it was raw Sandra: bad, food it tasted like crap. Jose: most of the food was terrible there was no taste
or not cooked all the way done Rob: very poor Andre: the food was sometimes good alot of times it was
gross and cold Jen: Breakfast was something I never got up for because
it was the worst. It was the same thing. Wheat
toast or some sort of sweet muffin thing with
nasty eggs. Sometimes it would be cereal without
sugar. Lunch wasn't so bad, it was always a
sandwich, bologna most of the time. Dinner was
better. It ranged from pasta to salad to tacos to
meat and vegies. Not the best but better than the
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Ryan: none Ron: all the meals were crummy it would make you sick Sandra: no Jose: i liked the hamburgers chicken patties and tacos
the least favorite was the veggies bread
peanutbutter/jelly sandwiches Rob: the favorite was chicken -chicken pattie Andre: i have no favorites Jen: My favorite meal was the pastas, even though they
were the best they were good. My least favorite is
the sweet rolls.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Ryan: no unless you had commisary which you had to pay
for if you had money on you when thwy brought
you in Ron: no unless you had money when you come in for
commisary Sandra: no Jose: yes if you had money to pay for commissary you
can buy food and other items that you may need
from that dept Rob: none unless you had money and got commissary Andre: yes its called commissary buti never went
through it i wasnt in long enough Jen: Commissary was a bit expensive but I was thankful
for it. Tuna, chips, raman noodles, mac n cheese,
candy, pita bread etc. There were many things that
one could create out of certain items off the
commissary. A pouch of tuna was 5 bucks.