Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Ryan: nothey didnt give me meds that i needed to take
i kept on having siezures even fell off of a top
bunk the doctor and nurse said to me that i'm
just faking it to get attention Ron: no the nurse never did give me any thing for my
medical problem Sandra: no Jose: no always have to get it from a nurse Rob: yes through the nurse that brings meds to you Andre: no you would have to see a dr if you became very
ill too get medications Jen: I didn't take any meds
JM: How did you get your medications? Ryan: never gave me anything Ron: i never did recieve any medications Sandra: they would bring it to you Jose: a nurse always come with a cart ful to give
medication to who has to take them Rob: a nurse brings the meds to the cells Andre: the dr would prescribe the medication then it
would be delivered to the cell you are in Jen: I didn't take a medications to know. I believe they
had access there was always long lines when they
called people up to take their meds.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Ryan: if any one was caught abusing drugs they would
get locked up no free time Ron: i dont know Sandra: i do not know Jose: locked down or another charge Rob: you would get locked down and sent to park place Andre: it would be extra time added on plus another
charge Jen: No, I never wittnessed this but I'm assuming it was
harsh, probably isolation or a long stay in the
facility, or their game time taken.