Interview with Ryan, Ron, Sandra, Jose, Rob, Andre and Jen
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Ryan: going out play basketball and play cards with
others Ron: recreation /weight lifting Sandra: i do not know. Jose: they had certain times to be able to go out side
to play ball or associate with other inmates Rob: none they didn't allow anything for violent
criminals Andre: going out for rec play some basketball and walk
around talk with some inmates Jen: Church, writing classes, self help classes like AA
and NA meetings. Among drawing and craft classes.
They had an abundance of facilities. You could
become trustee for the room and board or for the
laundry room or kitchen. I was not there that long
to really get involved like that. 3 times a week
we were able to go outside for an hour.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Ryan: regular access as long they needed others to play Ron: the entertainment was really hard to get into Sandra: just the tv Jose: the only access was to watch tv in the morning
noon and evening time Rob: no there was no tv or going outside Andre: yes it was the guard would put on mostly sports Jen: Entertainment? Just the TV, nothing else, not while
I was there anyways. The TV would barely changed
channels so I played cards a lot. Many folks watched
the same channel that the correctional officer
turned it on or there would be one sole person who
would decide. Cards had to be purchased.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Ryan: yes all you mainly do is be locked up in the
cell or be out when its time indoors and
associate with others Ron: yes there is really no way to move arond in the
cells Sandra: no Jose: yes there is hardly anyway to stay in shape there
was no place to work out in there and just to do
pushups or any other excersise like that was
cramped Rob: yes all i could do is pushups it was too cramped Andre: yes it is very cramped in the cells and all you
can do is walk around in the big room when the
guard lets you out Jen: No, I went outside as much as possible and slept
only at night and in the early morning, otherwise I
was awake the majority of the time.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Ryan: 4 times a week depends if any one acts up in
there Ron: it was atleast 4 times a week it all depend on
peoples behavior and keeping the cell block clean Sandra: none at all Jose: they only allow 1 time a day unless they have to
put the blocks or certain cells on locked down
plus depends if the officer is in a good enough
mood Rob: none Andre: they let us out two times a day Jen: 3 times a week. We were allowed to do whatever, they
didn't give us a ball or nothing for the court but
we could layout and tan or we could walk around.
Sometimes the girls would play games.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Ryan: no Ron: no even if you asked to talk to a preacher they
turn you down which i think is very wrong
especially when you're spiritual and need
someone to pray with you about problems Sandra: no Jose: yes it was held in the jail they had it on wed
and sun every week Rob: no any one that is violent can't go to services
even though i wasn't a violent person Andre: i never knew anything about churche services Jen: Yes, 3 times a week. Wednesdays, Saturdays and
Sundays. Sundays, 2 times in that day, in the
morning and in the evening. They were nice. The
volunteers were very endeering.