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Palm Beach County Jail
673 Fairgrounds Road Tammy: 120 days (4 months) Tiffany: 2 months jail time then 24 months probation DOC Sarah: I got out the next day on SOR Rachel: i got releases or sor and own reconginize Betty: it was until i paid the money back JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Tammy: yes, in courthouse waiting to be tranported back to jail. once at jail just went back to cell since i was already processed when i was arrested originally Tiffany: Yes. Ladies holding cell. Downstairs in main reception area of those arrested. Large cell with benches along walls. Toilet/sink in open view. Very cold. Two payphones. Which @ that time were free calls while in the holding cells. I was held there about 5 hours pendinh fingerprinting and bond settings. Eventually they let a group of us (ladies) to the showers and then upstairs. Thankfully at that point. Sarah: After court I went back up stairs to my cell and waited 6-8 hours to be called to be released and then went back downstairs to where they released at and waited in a cell to be called to be let out and they called my name and i signed some papers and then left. Rachel: i did not spend time in a holding cell after i was sentenced the the only time i was in a holding cell was when i was waiting to get booked Betty: yes i spent time in a holding cell i was in there for about 7 hours then i went up stairs, the holding cell was very packed dirty and cold Are you or someone you know headed to serve some time in the Palm Beach County Jail? If so you may be wondering what to expect. Going to jail can be scary, especially if you have never been before. While we can't promise that your time will be easy and worry free, having the right knowledge can help you feel more prepared for the experience. We have interviewed former inmates of Palm Beach County, who have shared their inside knowledge about life inside this facility. They have shared information ranging from what their court experiences were like to what type of food you can expect in this jail. You can access their interviews by clicking the links to the left. Take a few minutes to read their stories and learn what life is really like in the Palm Beach County Jail. Meals Palm Beach County provides inmates with three meals per day. The food is prepared by inmates who work in the kitchen. One of the favorite inmate meals is chicken, while the "mystery" lunchmeat is one of the least favorite foods. Inmates who have money on their accounts can order snacks from the commissary. Items available for sale include candy, chips, coffee and soups. Early Release Due to issues of overcrowding, many jails allow inmates to get out early for good behavior. Palm Beach County inmates can get out after they have served about 3/4 of their sentences. To get this time off, inmates need to follow rules, avoiding fights and avoid insubordination. Earning the privilege to work as a trustee can help inmates earn additional time off their sentence. Telephones and Visits Keeping in touch with family and friends is a high priority for most of those serving time in jail. Inmates in Palm Beach County have regular access to phones. If the phones are in high demand, the jail often implements a system where inmates have to sign up for a time to use the phone. Calls can only be made collect. It is important to be aware that all calls are screened by the jail. Continue to the interview |