JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Brad: We were offerred roof-gym where you can go out-
side on the roof to play basketball or you was
offerred rec-gym were you can go do push-ups or
sit-ups on a universal bar set.This was offerred
most days for only 1-hour. Brit: none Chuck: Televisions and board games/cards/dominoes were
available on the units. library cart passed
through once a month or so. roof gym was
available about 3 - 4 times a week for an hour
(weather permitting) and an indoor weight room
(nothing more than a room with pull up bars and
the like. no actual weighs there or anything
else that can be used as a weapon for that
matter) that was available on days when roof gym
was not. having a radio from the commisary was
a definate necessity. Ben: You can play basketball or walk up on the roof.
Its called Roof Rec. There's a TV in every cell.
There is a gym that used to have weights but took
them away because inmates would use them as
weapons. We could play checkers and spades.
There's a law library for people to do research. Carl: NONE---A life could be taken over a book
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Brad: There was no entertainment except the television
and yes competition was fierce....many many
fights or what to watch. Brit: never had tv Chuck: there were typically 2 televisions in both
units. one usually tuned to an english station
and the other tuned to a spanish language
station. choice of program was typically
determined by the meanest person in the room.
sports is something everyone in the unit seemed
to agree on especially where football (both the
american version and the european one,
aka "soccer") was concerned. acess to board
games was fairly easy. decks of cards were
available thru commisary. Ben: Yes I had regular access to entertainment but
usually the stronger inmates controlled
everything. The TVS went off at 11pm and came
back on at 5 or 6am. Most of the time you would
have to gamble to play cards. The prisoners that
didn't want to gamble had to wait until the cards
weren't being used by anyone else to play. Carl: NONE
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Brad: Personally yes...I gained about 20lbs. during my
incarceration because we were confined to such a
small area for 23-hours per day. Brit: yes nothing to do and when you tried to do
something the guards would yell at ou Chuck: i was never truly "in shape" to begin with. if
anything the food (or lack thereof) helped me
shed a few pounds. however i witnessed many
people working out while there so the means are
there if you have the desire. Ben: No I had no problem. I actually got into great
shape. We did push ups, pull ups, played
basketball and walked. Carl: YES
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Brad: If we were lucky they would call roof-gym about
2-3 times per week. Brit: never Chuck: 3 or 4 times a week, for roof gym. and you took
it when it was offered. Ben: If the weather was nice we were allowed to go
outside twice a week. We were allowed to play
basketball and walk on the roof. If we weren't
allowed to go outside you could do push ups and
pullups in your cell. Carl: RoofGym every few days--totally depressing
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Brad: The jail gave everyone this complex schedule of
services they offerred including bible-study but
when I inquired about the services I never got a
response.In the 9 1/2months that I was there,
they called catholic services maybe 4 times and
they called Muslim services about 5 times. Brit: they did but never called for it Chuck: church services were available, however each
week the different faiths changed (there is only
one chapel in the jail and the rotation was
neccesary to ensure that all faiths get to use
the chapel) roman catholic services were offered
once a month. Ben: Yes they offered services once a week. They made
a chapel and an ex inmate that found god would
come and preach to the other prisoners. Carl: I asked----but they seemed to not exist