JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Brad: I was one of 200 inmates from Philadelphia that
was transferred to PCJ because of over-crowding
in our on jail system.We came there on June
1,2008. Chuck: Presentencing happened post-release Ben: I was arrested and brought to the county jail and
was I housed on the 2nd floor with about 60
people in a cell that was supposed to hold about
40 people. I was bailed out two weeks later and
waited approximately a year for presentencing
because the courts were backed up.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Brad: No Chuck: Was arrested at my job and given very few
details. brought back to my apartment where a
search warrent was being executed. was
transported over two hours away from my house
where it was hinted at by sherrif's deputies
that if i confessed there was a possability i
could go home that evening. upon interrogation
and complete cooperation i was told i was being
housed in PCJ untill trial. Ben: The crime happened around 11:30 pm and the
officers arrived at my home around 6am the next
morning. About 20 officers arrived at my house
and pushed open my front door and handcuffed me
while I was in bed. I was transported to the
Clifton police station and processed then brought
over to the Passaic county jail.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Brad: We were all sentenced inmates. Brit: 4 months to court date Chuck: Bail reduction hearings are a joke/waste of
time. as i was informed after release it is more
of a formaility then a hearing. the judge's mind
is already made up. you are simply brought
before him to have the decision read on the
record. actual trial (or in my case the
acceptance of a plea deal and allocution) went
smoothly... once you make it to the court house
that is. you are pulled from your unit after
breakfast tray (which is between 3 and 4 AM mind
you) and brought to a holding cell near central
command on the first floor and sit in said cell
for approximately 3 - 4 hours. you are then
shackled and packed into a poorly ventilated van
and driven literally around the corner to the
passiac county court house, brought in through
the basement garage where you are placed in
another holding cell along with others facing
trial. they then start calling names of inmates
at a rate of about 6 or 7 at a time to be
brought up via private elevator to the courtroom
floor where you are made to wait in (you guessed
it) another holding cell. you see the judge and
then you pretty much reverse the trip through
holding cells. should you miss the one van back
to the jail at aproximately 12:30PM you are made
to wait for the next van back at about 4pm. in
my case i was to be released after my allocution
date. that process was actually fairly quick.
from the time i returned to the jail to the time
i was asked to "pack my shit" as they put it was
a little less then an hour. Ben: The court had a very cold feeling to it. There
are pews for the people in court. The judge,
prosecutors and lawyers were there. My lawyer met
me in the court room. I was kept in a holding
cell with about 60 other prisoners. The holding
cell is about a 10x10 room.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Brit: vop Chuck: i'd rather not say. Ben: Original charges were attempted murder and I was
charged with aggrevated assault with a deadly
weapon. Carl: My charge was for driving while suspended----No
DWIbut I got in more trouble for not showing up
for anserwing the charges