JM: How often could you receive visitors? Brad: Visitors were allowed to come 3 times per week
at prescribed times and because we were from
Philadelphia we were given about 15 extra
minutes. Brit: 2 times a week Chuck: at least 2 or three times a week if memory
serves. Ben: There were two days a week you could receive
visitors depending on what letter your last name
starts with. Carl: Its a video person to person
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Brad: From what I was told No....maybe 20-30mins. Brit: yup hour or so Chuck: according to my mother it was a simple process. Ben: They had to do background checks on everyone who
came to see you and would have to wait and clear
all the halls so the civilians could walk down
the hall. They would have to be searched then
wait in the room to be able to see you. Carl: 4 hours --plan to make a day to get a half hour
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Brad: I had a visit in July of 2008 and it was through
a glass on a phone with no ventilation. my
visitor said they would never do it again. Brit: shitty dirty spit on the floor walls just plan
nasty Chuck: not certain how it was on their side however my
side wreaked of urine from inmates whom were
kept in the visiting room for longer then
necessary and had no where else to relieve
themselves. this may have changed but it is a
thick glass window with partitioned into booths
with the usual stools and phones on the wall.
no contact visits. visits typically lasted 30
mins or so with special accomidations made for
those whom had to travel far. Ben: It was one room with multiple separate windows.
It was a long skinny room with metal seats bolted
to the floor. The visitor and inmate would have
to speak through a phone and it was very crowded.
The corrections officers were pretty laid back
and didn't rush you through the visit unless
someone was acting inappropriately. Carl: sucky