JM: How many meals did you get per day? Brad: Three meals daily. Brit: mainly 3 but sometimes we didnt get all 3 cause
they ran out of food Chuck: you always ate 3 times a day. Ben: We got breakfast lunch and dinner Carl: 3
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Brad: On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say it was a 3
and thats only because some meals came with
double portions of meat. Brit: not healthy at all very small portions filled
with carbs to keep you going Chuck: again. it's not the hilton. you ate because you
didn't want to starve, not because the food was
good. (and it wasn't good) Ben: The food was inedible. A zero on a scale of 1 to
10. There would be bugs in the food. Sometimes it
would be cold. The coffee was like mud. The eggs
sometimes had a green tint to them. The
hamburgers were like mush and watery. The food
was just horrid. Carl: Terrible---most food was ill prepared--never
enough-cold-some was served with roaches
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Brad: They all were equally terrible, but the tuna and
the chicken were bareable. Brit: no Chuck: my favorite was anything i could eat. least
fave would have to be the chicken (or yard bird
as referred to by inmates) the chicken was
annorexic looking and poorly prepared. Ben: My favorite meals were from canteen which is a
store where you could buy snickers, salami or
tuna sandwiches. I would use the bread from my
meals to make sandwiches. Carl: The chicken on Sunday was somewhat near edible--
the most desired meal--but low grade 4 sure
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Brad: No!!!! Brit: no only on canteen which you had to buy for a
huge mark up a little 23 cent bag of chips would
cost you almost 3 bucks and one ramen soup would
be 90 cents when you can go to the store and get
10 fora buck Chuck: any other snack like foods were offered through
commisary. Ben: There were no other free snacks, but you could
buy other snacks from canteen. It was priced
similarly to buying something from a store. I
think canteen came once a week. Canteen is what
my diet mostly consisted of. Carl: They charge 25 bucks to get in---ya gotta square
that up before you can order commissary----then
its a week turnaround to get your snacks