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Good Behavior

Interview with Luis, Kelly, Cheryl, Tina, Shaylee, Todd, Anne, Robyn and Felicia

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Luis: Yea right, like thats really gonna happen.
Kelly: no
Cheryl: No
Tina: I was out of Oklahoma County the same day that I was transported up from Cleveland County
Shaylee: Hell No I was even denied parole and my sentence was to be served as non violent according to what i signed in court, however i guess DOC has the power to disregard sentences because i was forced to serve violent time, that means i had to serve more time than the judge sentenced me to
Todd: no
Anne: no did whats that they dont give that in county
Robyn: No, I got out because my husband had the money to pay my charge and fine in the other state.`
Felicia: I was o.r. bonded out a week after i was in jail

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Luis: you got me man. I never heard of anything like that while I was there.
Kelly: im not sure if there is any
Cheryl: I'm not sure
Tina: Not sure
Shaylee: It varies based on the crime comitted
Todd: ?
Anne: i have no idea
Robyn: I have no idea
Felicia: Maybe half of you sentencing

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Luis: Like I said I have no idea of that concept being utilized in this particular jail.
Kelly: arguing or fighting with inmates and/or guards
Cheryl: Fighting, causing trouble, just breaking the rules.
Shaylee: I dont know because i remained misconduct free and received great job evaluations and it went without notice
Todd: ??
Anne: I have no idea never heard getting good anything there.
Robyn: no
Felicia: Fighting bringing in drugs yes i have they went from being a orderly to a regular inmate. They lost alot of privileges for there actions

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