Interview with Luis, Kelly, Todd, Anne, Robyn, Felicia, Cheryl, Tina, Shaylee and Marianna
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Luis: what pre-sentencing process? there was no pre-
sentencing process. Kelly: none Todd: I was scared to death but knew that I was
innocent....however, my fate did not rest in my
hands, which made me worry. Anne: well not much to know they do most of the court
process with out me there in court. Robyn: I was arrested on an out of state warrant. i did
not realize i even had the warrant. I spent almost
22 hours in a holding cell with about 15 other
women being "booked" in. No one would tell me
anything except the officer that arrested me and
he was very nice and professional and told me of
the possibility that I might be extradited to
another state. Felicia: I went to jail for grand larceny stolen
merchandise over 1200 from a retailer.
Which is a felony i was bonded out of jail
through an or bond and had to check in
every monday if i get into any trouble i
would have to do 5 yeaes in prison without
good behavior
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Luis: No I didnt have any police stop by my house for
questioning. Kelly: no Cheryl: No Tina: No they came by my house looking for someone else
and then found out that I had a warrant for my
arrest and took me into Cleveland County and helo
me for Oklahoma County Shaylee: Each time i was arrested it was while i
comitted the crime Todd: no Marianna: I was picked up at home. unpaid traffic fines. Anne: I was in the back seat of my car, have a driver
due to a brain tumor. We pulled up to my cousin
house whom was on bond and I was the co signer
was there to remind him of court next day. No
sooner than driver got out to open my door. Cops
come running out of his house with guns and
shouting dont move. I didnt they were very
aggressive and mean. I had in my possisson cds
and a weed pips in my car. They pulled me out
and told me if i helped them find my cousin I
wouldnt go to jail. That they wouldnt even look
in my car. That was a lie, Robyn: I was speeding and the officer found out I had an
out of state warrant. This happened about eight at
night and it took about 45 minutes for the officer
to get the order to arrest me and take me to the
County Jail. Felicia: No me and another person was at walmart
We thought we could get away for stealing
but they was watching us. As soon as we
walked outside two police officers grabbed
us talked alot of noise to us and made us
feel lyke we was nothing then they took us
to jail
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Luis: My court appearance consisted of me being
handcuffed to another inmate and about 25 of us
all went to court together and were all seated
together and the judged called out our names one
at a time and as we were called up we got to
meet for the first time our court appointed
atternies who proceeded to tell us to cop a plea
deal. Sign the paperwork and go back to our cell. Kelly: havent gone yet Cheryl: I was really nervous about it but it was over
quite fast really. Tina: Do not have my court hearing until January 25 of 2010 Shaylee: Court was fine. The problem was waiting
to get there Todd: Awful, as always! Marianna: standing room only, very crowded. average 3 to 4
hrs. wait to see the judge for time to pay Anne: It was quick once i bonded out and got a real
lawyer the public defenders are a joke there. I
had to pass drug test and was sentenced to 12
weekends in jail and community sentencing. Among
classes Thinking for a Change and a Chance to
Change which I completed them all. I am on
probation and have fines to pay still. Robyn: I never went to court because my husband paid the
fine in the state that issued the warrant. Felicia: It was scary because you dont have a clue
on what the judge would say or the amount
of time youll have to serve. If your late
its a 50 dollar fine or 24hrs in jail once
your name is called everybody lookong at
you never know the outcome will b
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Shaylee: Poss. Of firearm afc. Todd: Original charges-Domestic Violence; ABII
Convicted of: Nothing Marianna: failure to pay full attention, no state DL Anne: Possission of cds and weed Robyn: It was for an unpaid check in another state. I was
only told I was being held for extradition which
could have taken 10 to 12 days for the Marshall
service to come get me. Most of the information I
received was from the arresting officer. Once I
was taken into the County facility, I was not told
anything. Felicia: Grand larceny for items adding up to 1200