Interview with Maria, Tommy, Mark, Marilyn, Rafael and Blair
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Maria: no Tommy: no the justice system dont pay no mind to it
without convicts they dont have jobs Mark: There is no good behavoir, you do 50% of your
sentence, you may get kicked early if the jail
gets a large amount of people charged with a
violent crime and needs your bed Marilyn: yes i believe all inmates get time off for good
behavior Rafael: No I didn't really wished tho at the time Blair: Yes, I was given one year in jail and provided I
did not have any violations I was would be
released in 8 months. I was released at 8 months
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Maria: none that i know of Tommy: none Mark: None Marilyn: i believe you get 1 day for every 2 days you serve
Rafael: Not sure Blair: Good behavior was calculated at 1 day for every
2 days you went with no incidents. But if you
had a violation, those days could be revoked.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Maria: good be havior Tommy: out of the questions Mark: You can get a write up for anything that pisses
off a guard, adds a few days, up to 5 on your
sentence Marilyn: well you have to follow rules in jail like no
smoking, no drugs, no fighting, things like these
if your caught you could lose days. and yes i
witnessed several people lose good time
Rafael: No I didn't Blair: You need to avoid any infractions, violations or
anything that could be deemed as inappropriate
behavior by the handbook or the guards. The
list was extensive.