Interview with Maria, Tommy, Mark, Marilyn, Rafael and Blair
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Maria: none Tommy: fresno county none Mark: You can read, play some cards, watch TV, but
time goes very slow, there is no place to sit
comfortably, only your bunk or the floor
sometimes Marilyn: they offered once a week gym/you had tv and books
and church. you can go to visiting, to clinic and
to interviews with attorney. you can go to law
library,and if you are a inmate worker you get one
extra visit a week, and your cell stays open when
the other inmates are locked in. Rafael: Basketball, tv, card games, books and pull up bars Blair: The jail gave us time in the "yard" twice per
week. There was also a game room that did not
have any games, only pull up bars and a table.
The jail offered a bible study group which met
once per week. Other than that the only things
we could do is play cards, chess, checkers or
work out.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Maria: n\a Tommy: nothing was there to pass time Mark: 1 TV on each level of each pod, our pod had two
levels so one TV was english, the other spanish
and you have no control over the channel Marilyn: well in each pod there is only one TV, this is the
only entertainment they offer. if you are in a pod
where there are Spanish speaking inmates, they get
a window of time they get to watch TV. and if your
in a cell with a bully or someone who's been there
along time they usually control the TV. so usually
you dont get to watch what u want. Rafael: It was fierce. Thier was only one tv. The Hispanics wanted to
watch Spanish tv and none speaking people wanted to watch
their tv Blair: The day-room had two televisions. One television played English
programming and the other played only Spanish programming. The
competition was fierce in the evening to watch favorite programs.
Television was voted on at times, but usually it came down to what
the majority group wanted. The majority group was the muscle
group and controlled the television.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Maria: yes Tommy: no Mark: You try and walk, do pushups, chin ups, but it
is difficult. Marilyn: yes of course they starch up the food and only
offer outside or gym time once a week and only for
1 hour Rafael: No I didn't. I had a hard time stay in shape when I wasn't in
custody. Blair: Part of the everyday program was a workout routine. It was easy to
join in on a workout or to create your own workout routine. The
day-room had dip bars, pull up bars and the rest was up to
individual ingenuity.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Maria: two times a week Tommy: never went outside fresno county doesnt have a
yard Mark: Never Marilyn: well i believe the time i spent in jail i never
went outside or to the gym. the only exercise i got
was walking around in the pod
Rafael: I was allowed to go use a restroom out side. Ill walk to the
restroom and back. Ill take my time on waking back ill try on
talking to good looking ladies.... Haha Blair: We were given two days in the yard. The yard had a basketball
court, ping pong table, work out equipments and was large enough
to run laps.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Maria: yes ok far Tommy: yes Mark: Yes, on sundays, and they are not bad Marilyn: they do offer church services on sunday i believe.
i went one time and never again. most of the
inmates just go there to see other inmates from
other pods. they talk and goof around so the church
service isn't enjoyable Rafael: Yes but I didn't attend to none of them. Blair: Every Wednesday evening a person showed up to hold a Bible study
class. The class was held in a private room with some benches. The
class was one hour long and lead by a man with limited Bible
knowledge. Everyone attended, even if they did not know English.
The leader did not speak any other language.