Interview with Maria, Tommy, Mark, Marilyn, Rafael and Blair
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Maria: yes in g-p we did Tommy: all day Mark: Most of the day, phones are turned off around
midnight for a couple hours Marilyn: yes we could use the phone daily Rafael: Yes Blair: Yes, I was able to make call anytime the Day-
Room was open.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Maria: about 3.15 to connect plus 10 cents amintue Tommy: expensive calls Mark: You can only call collect, and it costs about $5
for a 3 minute call Marilyn: the call will be a collect call, and usually cost
the person your calling A Lot of $. i would say if
the inmates talked 2 times a week it would cost on
average $ 25 a week Rafael: Collect calls charges. 30$ a week Blair: The calls were on a per minute basis. My wife
placed $50 per week on my phone account. I made
3 10-minute calls everyday.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Maria: no Tommy: no Mark: You can basically only make a collect call, if
you call a cell phone the person recieving the
call has to put in a credit card number or the
call will not be connected Marilyn: no i dont think that those were a avalible
Rafael: No Blair: Phone cards were not sold to inmates. Individual
accounts had to be managed by family, unless an
individual was willing to take a collect call.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Maria: yes Tommy: hell yea Mark: Yes Marilyn: they say that the do Rafael: It had it a sign that they did Blair: Yes, we were told that all calls were recorded