Interview with Maria, Tommy, Mark, Marilyn, Rafael and Blair
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Maria: two Tommy: one hot meal one sack lunch Mark: You get a sack meal at 3:30 AM which is
breakfast and lunch--four pieces of bread,
mustard pack, 4 pieces of cheese, and some
horrible meat pack and a small milk, small corn
flake pack, a little dried drink pack (grape,
orange) two more pieces of bread and peanut
butter jelly (sometimes you get 2 hard boil eggs
Dinner at 5 pm, no seasoned crap, with no
seasoned veggie, wilted salad, corn bread and
cookies Marilyn: 2 hot meals and a cold lunch Rafael: Only two. Blair: We were given a meal sack for breakfast and lunch. In the evening
we received a hot meal.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Maria: on the scale from 1-10 a -5 Tommy: o Mark: The peanut butter jelly is OK, cookies OK and
you get really small oranges Marilyn: 2 awful. i'm not sure how they get away feeding us
some of the stuff they serve. they contract outside
the jail for the food and its GROSS. i used to work
in the jail kitchen years ago and the food the was
a lot better and there were probably less inmates
then Rafael: From 1 to 10 ill say 1!. Who ever wants to be in jail who ever
rates a ten most really like jail. Blair: I would rate the food as poor. We were given six pieces of bread,
sandwich meat, oranges, milk, cereal, drink mix and peanut butter.
The dinners were always beans of some sort. The food did not taste
good by it did provide nourishment and for those who did not have
money to purchase food from the commissary, it was adequate.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Maria: none Tommy: none Mark: Soy burger, best meal and it was crap Marilyn: NO there was NOTHING i liked about any of the food
the served. i ate the food but only because i would
stave if not
Rafael: No favorites Blair: Every meal provided was my least favorite. I purchased my own
food so I did not eat the food provided.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Maria: cookies Tommy: no Mark: Comissary is good, they have ramon noodles,
candy, chips, coffee and such Marilyn: the didn't offer anything else to inmates free
other than the 3 meals. they do offer commissary at
very ridiculous prices. i believe you can spend up
$125 a week. the price for a top roman noodle was
81 cents in 2008 so i'm sure its more now Rafael: Yes comessry. A bag of nuddles were 90. That is very
expensive Blair: Commissary was ridiculously expensive. You could purchase a
variety of foods if you were okay with paying five times the regular
retail value. Commissary was ordered on Tuesday morning and
delivered on Wednesday evening. If you did not order commissary
you could ask for a Welfare Pack which included envelopes, razor,
toothbrush, paper and pencils.