JM: How many different blocks were there? Blake: I do not remember. Tyra: I don't know Greg: I'm not sure how many exactly, Quite a few. Eric: There are tanks A through R, however some like
ABC are all 1. So i believe there is something
like 18 tanks when you include the three units
of minimum security.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Blake: No. Tyra: I believe they were in alpha format Greg: E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, MS4
There was more but I dont remember Eric: ABC-R, and Minimum Security Barracks 302-303a,
and the womens min, which I dont know the name
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Blake: Inmates that where afraid of getting hurt by other
where the main ones to get housed differently. Tyra: I believe that inmates that had done hard time
were housed in a different unit. Greg: Men's barrcks, Women's barracks, Infirmary,
General Population, There was a lot of the jail we
never saw, Places for people who had done prison
time or were heading back to prison and stuff like
that. Eric: ABC was high profile protective custody, those
who are in the paper and things like that. D
tank is the hole, where people are put for
restriciton or punishment. E F and G are all
prison tanks some for violent prison offenders
and others who demand cells and higher security.
H is a medium security prison bunkhousing unit.
I is intake and nonprison bunkhousing. J and K
are womens tanks, J tank being for those who
have been to prison. L and M are higher
security, and I am not sure what the others are.
P and R tanks I believe are for sexual
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Blake: Each blocks had their own restrictions. It mainly
depend on who all was in the specific block. This
mattered who would get locked down more. Tyra: Nicest was being able to sleep and not have the
pressures of my world. The worst was being up
at 4:45 to have breakfast at 5AM. Greg: In the barracks everyone was pretty relaxed and
just trying to keep themselves entertained to pass
the time.I hated having to wake up early every day
for food. We got put on lockdown once because
something happened in a different block, It lasted
forever and we just had to sit there waiting for
our lunch.
Eric: The I tank was nice because you could sleep all
day, but horrible because you could only be
outside for one hour a day if that. The barracks
or min security were great because you were able
to go out and work and be on the yard pretty
much whenever you want, but the downside was if
you werent working or it was raining and the
yard was closed you were required to be in the
dayroom all day with no bunk access.