JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Blake: The pre-sentencing process is long and
aggravating. Sit in a crowded court room for hours
only to be seen a few moments. Then told to come
back anywhere between in two to four weeks. This
went on for a year. Tyra: NA Greg: It was one of the most frustrating things about
the whole process. I went to court twice and was
only seen for about 5 minutes and then told to
come back later, Once 2 weeks later and once over
a month later.
Some guy's it was like having Jury duty but worse.
Eric: My pre-sentencing experience was somewhat long
and spanned for many months. I bailed out and
was not incarcerated while I awaited sentencing
for the most part. At a point I chose to remand
my bail and enter custody to get my time served
started. My time in I tank was only a week
before being sentenced and seemed to go
smoothly. I noticed that my experience was
smoother because of the fact that I had a
private attorney. It made getting paperwork and
having questions answered much easier.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Blake: I never had any police stop by my house to ask
questions. Tyra: NA Greg: No they never came to see me. I got a phone call
from my public defender telling me I had court at
the end of the week and he told me to expect to be
arrested at some point during this court hearing
so I shouldn't bother arranging for a ride back home.
Eric: I had multiple arrests and over a period of 2
years, and was on bail for all of them, so there
was times where police contaced me at my home
questioning me on suspicious behavior as I was
seen doing things that pointed to illegal
activity. I came to be arrested because of an
addiction to opiates so I was caught with
needles a few times. Eventually the arrest which
landed me incarcerated was for Possessing
marijuana with the intent to sell, I had been
doing this to support my habit.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Blake: As stated above, court was very irritating. Taking
a whole day off just to be told to come back. Tyra: NA Greg: It dragged on forever, I cant count how many times
I struggled to find transportation to the Santucci
Justice Center in Roseville only to be told I
wasn't needed that day. Waiting and Waiting,
Listening to the Court go through every other
case, Wondering if you will ever get called.
Eric: Court went smoothly, it seemed to be very backed
up though. It was crowded at times and it seemed
that many times I went into my date believing
one thing would happen, and it was continuously
pushed back. What I mean is that I expected to
be put in jail many times, and never was because
the people were not ready to close the case. I
do not know how much my lawyer or his schedule
had to do with this, but many times he told me
it would be the day, and it turned out not to be.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Greg: Reckless Driving Involving Alcohol (DUI Under 0.08)
with some previous charges that I hadn't taken
care of. Eric: I had multiple charges of possession of a
hypodermic needle, and then also a two marijuana
cases relating to sales, and possession of
felony amounts. One of my charges was dropped
due to an illegal pullover. My misdemeanors for
needles were also dropped, and I pled guilty to
one felony count of marijuana possession with
the intent to sell.