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Interview with Blake, Tyra, Greg and Eric

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Blake: Yes!
Tyra: No, but that was remedied.
Greg: N/A for me
Eric: For the most part, except getting allergy medication and things like that was more of a hastle then it should have been in my opinion.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Blake: There were Nurse calls though out the day, depending on your medication.
Tyra: They were brought in at meal time and then also called over to medical at one point. I was on chemo meds when I arrived.
Greg: N/A
Eric: I never had medications to get, but a nurse would show up morning and night with the medications everyone required and would administer them with a gaurd standing by.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Blake: Solitary.
Tyra: none that i saw.
Greg: I didn't see any while I was there so I don't know what the punishment was.
Eric: I never saw a punishment incurred for use of drugs, I saw drugs sued, but nobody was ever caught that I saw.

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