JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Blake: If we where not on lock down, we had open phones. Tyra: yes. Greg: Yes we were allowed to make Collect Calls whenever
we were not locked down due to fights or stuff
like that. Eric: Yes, a few hours a day, and at 11pm until 5 am
they were shut off, but mostly yes.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Blake: Highway robbery. It averaged out around 3-5
dollars a minute to call. Tyra: I have no idea. I never called a soul Greg: I only made one short phone call for about 10
minutes and never found out how much it cost my
friend. Eric: I spent 20 dollars a day, in my opinion it is
ridiculous, if I did not have a somewhat
affluent family it would have been a major
burden. However most inmates who used the phone
spend at least 50 dollars a week on telephone
calls from what I saw. Some however spent none.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Blake: it was all collect only. Tyra: NA Greg: I dont think we could use them. Eric: No it was not an option, you had to have someone
on the outside to accept charges or prepay for
their line. People requested calling cards on
commissary as it would be easier to speak to
people if they didnt have to choose to accept
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Blake: The jail screened all the calls Tyra: NA Greg: There was sign's saying they were being screened
and a recorded voice that would break in every
couple minutes letting us know it was being screened. Eric: Yes, all calls are screened.