Interview with Christian, Robert, Terry, Diana, Gina and Cindy
JM: How many different blocks were there? Christian: there were four blocks on my end of the jail Chris: In queens gate I think there was ten different floors. Robert: im not sure but its about ten stories high Terry: I do not recall how many blocks total there were
but there were 2 buildings one male one female 5
floors if I recall right. Diana: I think 4 or 5 Gina: For girls there 4 different ones Cindy: there are only 3 for woman
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Christian: they where just letters of the alphabet e,f,g,h
that all Chris: No there didn't have different names it was all numbered. Robert: I think I was in cblock , a low risk Terry: They names of the blocks were in alphabetic terms.
Starting with A Diana: A pod, B pod, C Pod, D pod and F pod Gina: Yes it was g,h,f and e. when the had to for people that had
real bad mental problems Cindy: they are c, d, and f pods those are all
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Christian: h pod had the protective custody the rest was a
mixture of charges from murder to my dumb little
misdemeanor shit i didnt really ask what people
were charged with Chris: From what I could tell images with low level felonies were
house in on unit while high level felons were to be house at
thejustice center away from people with low level crimes. Robert: I was only in my block, I was in a low risk cuase
of my charge, it was mainly domestic violence and
dui driving violations possession count on few
guys Terry: Violent offenders such as rape, murder was in one
until, Domestic and assault were in another. Child
support and minor offenses were in another block.
It all depended on your actual crime really. Diana: There were the ones with stronger crimes, and the ones on suicide
watch and the ones who were pregnant or had health issues. Also
ones who had to serve longer or shorter sentences or who were
getting shipped off to prison. Gina: People in e that where being sent to prison or people with high
profile cases.them there was g,h and f for everyone else and
then there was a special area for people with problems Cindy: you have a pod for the ones with mental
instability and then the other 2 arew for
everyone else. there is also a medicsal floor
for people with medical problems
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Christian: nicest part was the rageing faggotts were kept in
protective custody but the where able to watch us
strip and change uniforms i didnt like that to
much. there was alot of jailhouse trading going
between the blocks shoes,tobacco drugs food
whatever could be traded for profit was traded
thats jail Chris: I was only in one block so I didnt know much about the other
blocks .there is nothing nice about being incarcerated in any
jail let alone any jail in Hamilton county .some blocked cks I
am sure are worse than others I guess it all depends on the he
has inmates in those different blocks. Robert: there was nothing nice about it ecept we had a tv
to watch but we couldn't change the channel and
we had cards, the worst part was listening to all
the loud guys talking all night long, there
wasn't any quiet time at all,at least they left
the lights on all night Terry: There really wasnt anything nice about them. Sure
they were clean and kept in nice shape but being
in jail, their is nothing nice about it. You lose
everything in there. Your freedom, Your self
esteem, your self in general. You become depressed
and miss the finer things in life. if you cherish
life outside you will respect it and stay out of
jail. Diana: I felt safest in my block because i got to know the people and
because they weren't all felons or on suicide watch. I also however
did not feel comfortable because i just wanted to be home with my
friends and family. Jail was overall not fun at all ! Gina: In f it's was cleaner but the c o s where out harder on u cause
there where 40 girls in g and h they where not as
clean cause they where older blocks but the c o s didn't really
come into cause there where only 8 and 10 . I was never in e Cindy: they all are the same concrete and metal picnic
benches. it is very hard on your back and butt
to sdit on them for any length of time that is
why i sat on my bed most of the time. and the
matresses are not any better they are thin