Interview with Christian, Robert, Terry, Diana, Gina and Cindy
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Christian: three meals a day thats it Chris: We only ate three times a day. Robert: we got three meals a day Terry: Three meals a day. If that is what you called them Diana: We got Breakfast, Lunch and dinner plus whatever you order on
commissary. Gina: You where given 3 per day Cindy: you get 3 meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Christian: the food sucks big dick it has no taste water
downed small portions aramark ands more water
than what the recipe calls for to make a little
bit of shit go further the save money that way
which translate to more profits for them they
even add water to the margerine then whip it up
in a mixer to make it go further Chris: The food was very poor depending where you were if you were
in a holding cell you got a sand which of some nasty green
meat and a eight ounce drink that was it.At queens gate we
received mystery meat and some sort of out dated veggie and
unsweetened tea. Robert: we basically had the same thing every day it was
some type of sandwich and a fruit and a different
drink everyday I kept all my fruits an drinks but
gave most of my sandwichs away because they were
nasty tasting, but ate my fruits to get nutrtion
for me Terry: the food was very terrible and in very small
portions. The jail workers ate better than most of
the inmates unless they were buddy buddy with
them. I think school lunches were better and you
received more. Even if you didnt like it you had
to eat it or go hungry. That is the way it was Diana: The food was okay. It wasn't great at all but it wasn't completely
horrible. With a one being horrible and a ten being great id rate it
a four. The first 20 days i was there i barely ate anything at all and
lost weight, but most people gain weight which is weird to me. I
ate the food from commissary though. Gina: Very poor you where didn't get real meat they would serve the
same things milk once a week and that was one per cent you
got bread with every meal pasta once a day beans once a day
they put away of filler in the food you didn't get veg but 3 times
a week Cindy: the food is hoirrible. the only meal i could
ever eat is the breakfast. the other ,eals are
so nasty there is no taste to the food at all it
is runny and they serve you nasty beans at every
meal. i lived on the bread and the break fast
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Christian: all the food sucks how do you pick a favorite
piece of shit shit is shit period but what other
choice do you have Chris: No there were all really bad that's how they get you to buy
commissary. Its all about getting your money. Robert: the fruits were fine but the sandwichs were nasty
and the drink servings were very small, no side
dishes sucked Terry: Not in there. Eating half the stuff in there you
sometimes could not I identify it. You didnt know
if it was real beef or something they pulled off
of the road it was that bad. Diana: I liked the desserts . They were always good . I never found
anything wrong with the desserts. Especially the cookies. Gina: The pancakes where the best the cat food was the worth it
would be ground up stuff so u could put it on bread that no one
eats Cindy: t6he break fast is really the only meal i would
even bother eating and it wasnt that great it at
least would have taste
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Christian: commisarry you can get chips pretzels cheeze its
candy coffee koolaid it is expensive about twice
the amount you would pay in a regular store on
the streets just another way for the jail systen
to make money Chris: No snacks were ever given. The commicary was very high
ramen noodles on the street are five for a dollar in here it was
eighty five cents for one noodle soda was like two dollars a
piece. Robert: some guys did have snacks built up and guarded
them , they were like chips , but I didn't ask
about them to much, I guess they earned them or
bought them on the side Terry: No snacks were ever offered. I Personally did not
get commissary but others did and they did
complain that things were so over priced, like
Romane noodles were 75 per pack. Peanut butter 4
dollars per jar. Diana: I liked the pop tarts and grandmas cookies the best from the
commissary order. The commissary wasn't that expensive. I cant
remember exactly how much it was but i know it wasn't that bad of
prices. Gina: No there was no snack and comissany wasn't to bad the price
where a little high on something's but you would order and
your slip would get listed or they wouldn't come or they would
miss stuff on your list Cindy: you could buy stuff if you have money but it is
not cheap you pay 50 to 60 cents for a little
debbie cake that should be a 25. and any other
things are just as exensive