Interview with Christian, Robert, Terry, Diana, Gina and Cindy
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Christian: the jail provides checkers chess and dominoes,
but we made a ghetto monopoly game and we would
make cards out of milk cartons. with me being a
veteran i got to go to the library on thursdays
for a veterans group and i would bring books back
to the pod for the guys who read Chris: The only facilities available to us was the rec yard which only
had basketball hoops so if you didn't play you were lucky to
doaanything at all.we had no library that I remember the only
other thing was playing cards which had to be purchased on
commissary at a very high price. Robert: the only thing to do was to watch tv or play
cards or you could do pushups or walk in circles,
or most people just talked and lied and talked
all day long , it was very bad cuase I didn't
feel like talking to anyone in there time went
slow Terry: Every few days you were allowed one hour outside
providing the weather was good.Out there you got
to walk around or played basketball Other than
that is was playing chess or checkers, watching tv
or reading a book, Cards were not allowed due to
issues with gambling food away, They avoided that
in every way possible. Diana: We had NA meetings and AA meetings. we had Church every
Sunday . We had counseling and a therapist to talk to. They has
Post traumatic stress Disorder meetings as well and people to talk
to you about your issues on stress, depression, abuse, and being
incarcerated and having faith in god. Gina: None the tv was set up for everybody in the jail to watch the
samething and the man control the tv and have the time it
didn't work it wouldn't get any signal.3 times a week u could go
to the gym and play basketball or walk if they had the staff Cindy: there is an outside rec on the roof and a gym
inside you can play volleyball and basketball
and use exercise equiptment or you could just
walk around the gym. mostly people just visit
with each other from the other pods that you
cant talk to unless you go to rec
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Christian: the c.o. decide what channel to watch on the tv
but there plenty of books thanks to me being a
veteran and we had a couple of sets of dominoes,
there where checker boards and we could make a
deck of cards a day from milk cartons i was often
able to steal sharpie pens to make the cards with Chris: We didn't have much entertainment .you either watched TV or
played cards or played basketball at your own risk there
always seemed to be a lot of fights over who fouled who or
other trivial things that people like to make a big deal over I
justed stayed away from that. Robert: I didn't have any problems ,because the guards
kept control of the tv, and I just waited for the
guys to stop playing cards then I would play
solotarie and sometimes someone would ask to play
rummy or different card games, but when it got to
busy I quit playing cards Terry: The entertain was based on what group wanted to
watch what. So majority rule every time. So if you
were to watch tv you were stuck with what ever was
on. There was no specifics or anyother way to
watch something other than what the majority
wanted. But at that point i started liking football. Diana: We usually all had to watch the same TV channel and it usually
wasn't that great of a TV show but everyone got along and dealt
with it. We would all sit in metal chairs next to each other and
watch television to pass up the time together. It made time go by a
little quicker. Gina: No the only entertainment there was watching girls fight and
scream at one another or talk I'm sign language to someone in
another blocks you mostly just sat around and talk to other
people they don't let u have any cards or board games and the
only book you get are books that people have had sent to
them Cindy: no there is enough room for everyone in the rec
areas. you just try to get as much exercise as
you can so that you dont gain alot of weight and
so your musckles dont get out of shape. you can
also walk around the pods in circles to get
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Christian: i lost almost 10 pound the food the serve is
small and water downed i am 6'1" 130 going in so
im not a big guy skinny to be exact should not
loose weight Chris: Yes it was very hard staying in shape because to food was
terrible no weights and you weren't allowed to work out in the
dorms. Robert: well yes there wasn't any workout equipment, but
you could walk in circles or push ups an sit ups,
creative Terry: Yes if you wanked around to much you would asked
to go find a place and stay, They didnt like you
moving around to much. Diana: A little Bit. I did push ups and sit ups here and there while in my
room. Me and my roommate would work out. Gina: Yes they only give you milk once a week and that is 1 per cent
they give u a lot of bread and pasta then the put fill in it Cindy: no as long as you put in the effort to stay in
shape you have to be willing to do it
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Christian: we never got to go outside. we did get to go to a
gym. you can play basketball or do pull ups ect.
thats it walk around Chris: We were allowed to go out once a day for an hour if you were
lucky.I just walked around the yard.weren't allowed to workout
in the dorms. Robert: we wernt allowed to go outside I don't think they
have a yard there, like I said you had to be
creative and do simple exercises Terry: Every few days for a few a hours depending on the
weather, It was either sit, walk around or play
basketball. Nothing to exciting if you ask me. Diana: We were not allowed to go outside so instead we went into the
gym which was a pretty big gym where you could walk or run
around or play basketball or dodgeball or work out. Thats also
where i got exercise or communicated with others. Gina: No they didn't take u out . You could walk around in your block
or go to the gym when able and walk around there Cindy: you can go to outside rec if weather permitting
and you go once a day if you want to go. if it
was raining you go to the gym
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Christian: yes a different ministry came in each sunday.
they were ok kind of made out to be the wordt
sinners on the planet. but brother hyatt did a
bible study that was great Chris: Yes but only if you signed up and there was only enough room
for no more than ten to fifteen people. Robert: I didn't her any thing about church services and
I didn't here anyone talk about them, im not
religious anyway Terry: There were never any church services offered
Though there were a group of people in the dorm a
group of 20, that would read out of the bible. Diana: Yes, they offered church services. I went every Sunday. They were
nice. We worshipped and sang and prayed. It made me feel good. Gina: They did on Sundays when the pestle came and they where
different church's and they mainly where people that had
been in jail before that had changed there life Cindy: yes they were in a classroom type and you got to
talk to the ladies afterwards or sometimes they
did it in the pod