Interview with Christian, Robert, Terry, Diana, Gina and Cindy
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Christian: yes there were several phones on the pod Chris: Sometimes there are some inmates that like to stay on phone
all day . Robert: yes but you had to have card to use them Terry: At the Hamilton county justice center no, At queen
city you had certain times you were allowed to call. Diana: Yes , whenever u wanted to use it for up to a half hour if the
person on the other line paid for the calls and accepted. Gina: When the c o s didn't take them cause girls where acting up
but it cost to much if you where calling a cell phone Cindy: yes but you can only call collect
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Christian: that i do not know. i know it is expensive and my
family cant afford to accept the calls Chris: I think it was something like seventy five cent per minute. How
much that is spent a week would depend on if there had family
to get them phone cards I spent fourth dollars a week. Robert: I spent over twenty dollars a week on calls, it
was a rip off or call collect Terry: All phone calls were collect only. So if you made
several calls a day you owed some one alot of money. Diana: It costed like 25$ for ten minutes i think. I know it wasn't cheap. Id
imagine an inmate spends about 100$ on phone calls. Gina: 1,95 to call a land line but if you called a cell 2.50 for the first
minute and after the first it was 90 cents a minute. Girls spent
hundreds a week Cindy: 1.75 for 15 minutes which is very high and most
cant afford it i know i couldnt
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Christian: no phone cards available in hamilton county Chris: Yes no free calls at all. Robert: yes you had to buy cards or collect Terry: No there were no phone cards. Diana: No, the person your calling needs to pay the money. Gina: They did give you that choice Cindy: you can use phone cards or you can have someone
put money on the phone on the outside
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Christian: the operator/ recording says the do or can Chris: Yes every jail sceens calls. Robert: it had signs up saying that Terry: Yes they listened to every word you said. Diana: Yes the jail screens your phone calls. Gina: Yes if they thought you where doing something or talking
about your case Cindy: yes they can listen to every call