Interview with Christian, Robert, Terry, Diana, Gina and Cindy
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Christian: tuesday thursday and saturday were the visiting
days for me never had a visit though Chris: We were only allowed one visit per week for for fifteen minutes
if it wasn't over crowded. Robert: I think you could see visitors five days a week
but didn't see many people leave an come back in
our block Terry: Only on saturdays visitors were allowed and they
were allowed 15 minutes behind a glass window. Diana: You could receive visitors three times a week. Twice during the
week and once on the weekend for twenty minutes. Gina: 3 times a week for 15 minutes but a lot of times it would be a 2
hour wait Cindy: tusdays and saturdays were my visitation times
they go by the first letter of your last name
you get 15 minutes twice a week
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Christian: i dint know i nver had anybody visit. but from
past expierance it could take hours to get in to
see the inmate depending on how many people were
in line ahead of you Chris: Yes your family had to wait until in line for an hour or more to
see you my now ex wife came a few times. Robert: I didn't want any visitors because I was ashmed
to be wearing county cloths and there isn't many
people who would come see me anyway Terry: I never had any visitors So I do not know what the
process was. so sorry that i can not answer this
question for you. My apologies Diana: Yes, It took several minutes for the people to get checked in who
were coming to visit me. Sometimes they would have to wait up to
a half hour. Gina: Yes they would have to stand in a long line and once thru that
the could sit up to 2 or 3 hours at times Cindy: no just have to have a current picture id and
only 4 people per visit is allowed no more. if
under 18 no id is required
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Christian: you sit in a booth with glass in front of you a
telephone to communicete through that sometimes
worked some times did not you are given fifteen
minutes sometimes less depending on the c.o. on
duty and how much they liked you i preferr not to
be visited i sucks Chris: On visiting day everyone would sit on the phones calling there
relatives to make sure they were coming to visit that day.we
would just sit around hoping that your name was called out
fora visit if your mane was called they would take you to the
visiting area where you would sit behind a glass window. Robert: like I said I didn't have any visitors except to
get a credit for the phone, I had my mother come
once and the visiting are was on a open floor for
me, maybe cause I had lesser charge than other
people in there,it wasn't private at all in there Terry: i have only heard about it actually, I long room
with thick glass windows with dividers in between
each seat. Cameras were on both sides in every
corner and officers on both sides of the glass. It
was described to me by another inmate because I
have always been fascinated with writing. I always
wanted to write crime based ovels Diana: It was okay but kind of depressing knowing I couldn't be on the
other side . It stunk being behind a glass window. You cant hug
anyone and it makes you jealous seeing all the smiling faces and
people on there cellphones and people with there families and with
there boyfriends and kids. Gina: It was dirty people fighting with there family . Some would be
happy .kids would be running around and parents not watching
them people coming high or drunk seen people fall of there
seats fall asleep girls showing there body to man you name it
the would be doing it Cindy: you have a glass between you and the visitor and
you talk on a phone you only have 15 min at each
visit. its hard because if you have kids you can
not touch them. i dont think it is the right way
for people to visit you need to have contact
with your children