JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? DC: Tan top and pants, brown flip-flop type shower
shoes, and a white t-shirt underneath your top. Keith: Green Jumpsuits for men. Tan pants and shirts
for women. White and black stripes for inside
trustees. Orange jumpsuits for outside trustees. Joe: green monkey suits!!! Heidi: brown (tan) top and pants a poly- cotton blend Dillon: uniform green Linda: you wear the same thing every day brown nurse
scrubs and you get new clothes once a wk Gregg: The only clothes of your own you could wear was your
own socks and your own underwear Matthew: We could have underwear brought to us but i did not have anything
brought as i was only there for a short time. Damon: In Tarrant County Jail the only socks Underwear and
undershirts That you were allowed to bring in was what you
brought in when you were arrested. In Hutchins state jail
you cannot bring in any clothes But buy them on
commissary. David: nothing everything that we could wear had to be
from the jail it was uncomfortable Shelley: Only what you wore into jail...white bra (no underwire), white t-
shirt, white undies, white socks. All HAD to be white. Justin: The only clothing items allowed to be brought into
the jail were the underwear and socks the
offender(s) had on at the time of their arrest.
Additional socks and/or underwear and white
t-shirts could be purchased from the commissary.
All other clothing items were issued on a weekly
basis by jail officials. Steve: One white t shirt and a pair of socks of any
color as long as you were wearing them when
sentenced or arrested. You keep your underwear
and you can purchase underwear, socks, and t
shirts from commissary. Jack: After you've been booked you get dressed out and you
can only keep on your underwear, socks, and a plain
white t shirt. Rachel: Regular panties no thongs,
a bra without underwire, a
white tshirt if you had on
and socks. If you had
panties they thought were
extravagant. They took them
and gave you brown cotton
ones. Conrad: You can keepnunderaear and socks and even
a plain white t shirt if the right guard
is on John: they let you keep the socks and underwear you were
arrested in, and if you had a white t shirt you could wear it
too. I'd say if you knew you were going to jail, wear a pair of
socks, maybe 2 sets of underwear and 2 white t shirts. They
check the socks, but not the t shirt or underwear. Ted: White socks. White under shirt.
White under wear or white tee shirt
was only allowed
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. DC: Same as above Keith: Green Jumpsuits for men. Tan pants and shirts
for women. White and black stripes for inside
trustees. Orange jumpsuits for outside trustees. Joe: green monkey suits!!! Heidi: yes- brown top and pants Dillon: green jumpsuit 2 sizes to big. Kami: tan and ugly Linda: Brown nurse scrubs Gregg: the set uniforms here were all dark navy blue, navy
blue shirts, navy blue pants an black sandals. And
you were lucky if you got a outfit that fits
correctly. Matthew: We were issued a gray / light blue top and pants, both made from
100 % cotton. there were only generic sizes, small - xxxl. Damon: In Tarrant County I was issued a jumpsuit that had black and
white stripes all the way down because I was a trustee. In
Hutchins state jail we were issued white shirt, white
pants,black shoes David: The underwear were used and nasty. The socks
usually had holes in them and the jump suits were
orange with words in the back I don't remember
what it said Shelley: Scrubs. Females were light brown/tan. Males were green. Justin: The jail uniform consisted of a one-piece
coverall, green in color. It was gender-neutral.
No underwear or socks were issued, though we were
each issued a pair of rubber slides (sandals) for
our feet. Steve: The uniform I wore was hunter green scrubs. A
pair of pants and a V-neck top. Uniforms were
changed out twice a week as well as towels and
bed sheets. Jack: We wore a one piece orange jumpsuit. All of the
uniforms had stains and wholes or rips in them. Most
of the them had paint on them. Rachel: It was tan scrubs and
plastic slip on shower
slides. Brown panties if
they had to provide.
Anything else was bought
from commissary like sports
bras and socks Conrad: You receive one jumper with "tarrant
county inmate" on back.bthe jumper is
usually green in color women wear a khaki
2,piece scrub Luke outfit with no bra John: They'd give you a one piece, green jumper that buttons
down the front and a set of tan shower slides, for males, and
a set of scrubs with shower slides for the females. Male
trustees got a black and white striped uniform, and males
taking drug abuse classes got a white and orange striped
uniform. The famale uniform was tan for most, and blue for
those in the drug classes. Ted: They were scrubs. They were tan.
Red was high risk inmate. Yellow
was flight risk and black.and white
stripped were workers. They issued
only one set weekly
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? DC: Not really. Keith: No. Joe: no Heidi: some with no holes
Dillon: no Kami: no Linda: no
Gregg: No you where what they give you there is no choices. Matthew: all of the clothes were the same and i did not notice of any high
demand clothing. Damon: There was none in Tarrant County Jail. In Hutchins state jail
we were on the lookout for brand new clothes because they
did not have any stains on them they were call tight whites. David: no everything was fine everyone got what was
needed but the underwear was nasty Shelley: No. Justin: Offenders generally hoped or tried to get newer
coveralls. The older ones had been torn and them
patched back up, so sometimes one leg would be
skinnier than the other,or buttons wouldn't line up. Steve: Not really. Maybe some inmates wanted the newer
shower slides. Jack: No, you don't get a choice, you get what they give
you. Rachel: Yes we looked for pants
with the elastic in them
and no holes in the crotch Conrad: Ask for new suit if avalible the other
ones are rarely cleaned. Or SK for a
2piece John: A lot of guys preferred the newer darker green jumpers, but
I liked the older, more faded jumpers because they were
more comfortable, and not as thick. Ted: Pants with no holes and elastic in
waist and same with shirt
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? DC: Then, no. Mind you, this was almost ten years ago.
Things could have changed. Keith: Men wear Green, Women wear Tan Joe: yea Heidi: the color Dillon: no Kami: yes they wore green jump suits and gurls had scrub
type things Linda: Green for guys and Brown for girls or tan Gregg: No women and men both wore the same clothes and
shoes Matthew: the men and women wore the same clothing Damon: Every clothing was the same. David: Not sure I never saw any women Shelley: Females were light brown/tan. Males were green. Justin: No, the clothing was the same for both. Steve: Women are not housed at Green Bay. Jack: Yes, men wore jumpsuits and women wore tops and
bottoms. Rachel: If they were workers or
high security Conrad: men wore green while women wore khaki John: The men had green, black and white striped, or orange and
white striped uniforms, and the women had tan, or blue
uniforms. Ted: Not that i know of