Interview with DC, Keith, Joe, Heidi, Dillon, Kami, Linda, Gregg, Matthew, Damon, David, Shelley, Justin, Steve, Jack, Rachel, Conrad, John and Ted
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? DC: Yes, payphones were located in each pod. Keith: As long as there is not a prison pick up (chain)
the New Jail gets to use the phone 24 hours a
day. Green Bay and the Old Jail have the phones
go off at 12 midnight at come back on around 7
am. Collect calls only. Joe: yes Heidi: yes Dillon: Yes Kami: yes Linda: Yes they shu off at 9 though Gregg: Yes i did have regular access to phones Matthew: yes we were allowed to use the phones Damon: In Tarrant County Jail there was always
pay phones there for collect calls. In
Hutchins state jail they were installing
the phones before I left. David: Yes I had regular access. Shelley: Yes. Justin: Three telephones were available in the dayroom of
the cell block. They were turned on to be used
for collect calls only from the time all offenders
to be transferred to prison and other agencies
were actually gone out of the facility, which was
about 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. every weekday , and
they were left on until about midnight on
weekdays. On Friday, Saturday and all days
preceding a holiday, the phones remained on all
day and night. Steve: Yes. There are 2 phones inside each pod. An
inmate can call anyone who has an account set up
for them to call. It's a minimum of 15 dollars if
memory serves me correctly. Jack: Yes, there's two phones in every tank. Rachel: Only when it was my
rotation Conrad: tes you do they never cut off John: Yeah, you could use the phone as often as you wanted
between 5 am and midnight. Ted: Yes but only from 9 am to 10 pm
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? DC: Back when I went, I think it was 2.55 per call. I
never called home though. Keith: $3.80 per 15 minute phone call. Joe: collect. Heidi: 4.10 per call Dillon: Unknown never completed a card. Kami: idk Linda: Too many to count its ridiculous Gregg: The first call is free but after that the people you
call have to set up an account to be called by me
and it costs like 10.00 a call at least Matthew: We called using 1-800 collect. An inmate probably spends an
average of $50 on phone calls. Damon: My mom told me that her phone bill for
every collect call she accepted was $8
for 15 minutes. David: we had to have an account to call people my mom
always had money in my account. Shelley: All calls we're collect. About $10 for 15 minutes. Justin: All calls were either collect or prepaid. The
charge for making a 15-minute, local call was
about $14.95 each time. The cost of paying for
that same call in advance was about $6.00 each. Steve: It's about 15 dollars minimum for about 15
minutes. The average inmate in my experience may
spend 15 dollars. Jack: When you first use the phone you had to have whoever
you were calling set up an account, if they did
there was a minimum of 25 dollars. Rachel: I think the calls were 395
i put money on a phone acct
and prepaid because i used
a cell phone Conrad: If they don't set up an account it's 10
dollara per call but you can sign up for
cheaper rates John: The inmate didn't have to pay in Tarrant County, but my
Mom said the rates that she had to pay were pretty steep,
unless you prepaid for the minutes. I wouldn't have a clue as
to how much it cost. Ted: The calls are 395 for landline but
more for cell phone. If they talk
daily it would cost at least 50 or
more for cell
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? DC: No, just someone had to accept collect calls. Keith: Only of you called one number alot. They
restrict the number of times you can call each
number. But they will sell you one of their $50
phone cards to allow more calls to overcalled
numbers. Joe: you can. Heidi: no Dillon: Unknown Kami: no Linda: No Gregg: no there was no option to buy phone cards Matthew: no i did not need to buy phone cards to call out Damon: Not for Tarrant County Jail. In Hutchins
state jail you had to have a phone card
but they were up when I left. David: No it was in an accunt Shelley: No. Justin: They did not sell phone cards, but offenders'
friends, family, etc... could prepay for minutes
or calls to be made to them from the offender. Steve: Basically. I think you can call a person whose
phone service allows collect calls. It's probably
cheaper to set up an account upon receiving a
call from an inmate but it costs regardless. Jack: No, the people that you would call had to set up a
account. Rachel: No but some cell phones
would not allow calls if
you didnt Conrad: no but your relatives did have to add the
program John: No, the calls were collect. Ted: No but your family could buy
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? DC: No, but be advised phone calls are limited to 15
minutes. After that, they automatically disconnect
the call. Keith: Of course. They ask you to say your full name
when make a call. Then they can use it against
you in their court of law. Joe: sure,they all do. Heidi: no Dillon: Unknown but I am sure they did. Kami: they say they do Linda: Yes Gregg: yes of course they screen your calls Matthew: the jai did screen my calls Damon: Every call was recorded For misuse
purposes David: Yes the jail screened your calls Shelley: Yes. Justin: The jail did monitor all calls. Steve: I'm sure they did. No evident situations that I
recall but I'm sure they did. Jack: Yes, they would record or monitor (they called it)
every call. Rachel: A recording told us it was
subject to recrding Conrad: all calls were recorded sooo John: There was the messages that said they may be monitored,
so I am guessing they were. Ted: It was a automated messagethat
notified before a call that it was