Interview with DC, Keith, Joe, Heidi, Dillon, Kami, Linda, Gregg, Matthew, Damon, David, Justin, Steve, Jack, Rachel, Conrad, John and Ted
JM: How often could you receive visitors? DC: Back then, twice a week. Saturdays and Sundays. Keith: You can get a 30 minute visit from each of the 5
people on your visiting list once a week. If you
have only one person on your list you can get
two visits a week. If your visitor lives further
than 75 miles from the jail they can visit for 1
hour. Joe: every day in tarrant co. Heidi: everyday from 9:00-9;00 Dillon: Unkkown. Kami: up to five ppl once for each one a week if you
only had 1 person then they could come 2 times a week Linda: Once a wk per visitor on your list Gregg: Visitors times were twice a week on certain days at
certain times set by the jail. Matthew: I did not receive visitors while i was at tarrant county jail. I was
there for only a short time and my wife lived 45m away. Damon: In Tarrant County you can receive visits 3 times a week.
In Hutchins state jail it was twice a week David: They had visitor hours daily. But my girlfriend
only came when she could, which wasn't often Justin: Visitors were allowed every day of the week,
Sunday thru Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
We were allowed up to two visits each day. Steve: You can receive a visit twice a day everyday
now. The very first time I visited Green Bay,
you could only receive a visit on certain days
for certain inmates. Jack: Each inmate could have two visits a day. Each visit
lasted about an hour. 1 Rachel: Each person could visit an
inmate 1 time per day. If 4
different people came to
visit you were allowed
those visits as long as it
wasnt the sane person
trying to visit more than
once a day Conrad: Everyday. Asbling as they came within the
required times specified by the facility.
It was always pleasant to see my family John: You could have 2 visits from friends or family every day for
30 minutes at a time(up to an hour for people from over 75
miles away) between 9am and 9pm. Or from your attorney
any time from what I recall. Ted: Seven days a week from 9 to 9 same
visitor no more than once daikz
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? DC: From what they tell me, yes. The wait times were
very long; so many people were coming at the same
time to see family. Keith: Not usually. Sometimes on weekends. The guards
try to rush your visitors through. Get em IN,
get em OUT. Joe: yea,always crowded. Heidi: no, just show their id Dillon: Unknown. Kami: no Linda: I dont know Gregg: Yes the check-in process was very lengthy for those
who came to see me, they had to be checked for
weapons in all aspects possible. Matthew: I did not receive visitors so i am not ware of how long the check in
process is for visitors visiting inmates. From what I know, it was
somewhat lengthy. Damon: In Tarrant County it was not so lenthy. In Hutchins state
jail it was very lenthy because they had to search the
car, search the trunk, search the engine compartment
for contraband. then a pat down search all the visitors
and then ran a metal detector of room David: The check in process was extremely long. They had
to go threw several different processes including
random searches and metal dectors in and out of
the jail. Justin: Visitation was crowded and there were longer waits
on the weekends and during holidays. Visitors
might have to wait as much as an hour or more on
these days. At other times, visitors faced little
or no wait time. Steve: The process is lengthy enough but c/o's don't
have to check each inmates' qualified visitors
list. As long as you don't have a warrant for
your arrest and have not been recently released
from a Tarrant county correctional facility, you
could visit me. They perform a light search and a
i.d. check. Jack: That all depended on if there was a line of other
visitors. If there was a long line then it only took
about 15 minutes. Rachel: At the new jail sometimes
tgere was a wait. At cild
springs i didnt want them
to visit because tge
visitation was alphabetical
and women were certain.
and men were the other
days. It was too much to
keep up with. At belknap it
was lenghty because we had
to be shackled and the
visits were so short it
wasnt worth me asking
anyone to come. Plus they
brought our night time meds
so early i could barely
keep my head up during the
visits. My kids didnt
understand Conrad: No they usually just showed their I'd and
came right up I don't ever recall a time
when anyone said they had a problem
visiting John: On the weekends and on weekdays right after 5pm it was a
longer wait, but all they did was check their ID and ask who
they were there to see. Ted: It varied because the werkends and
nights were the busy times and
guards had there own time frames so
some got long visitss which made
others wait longer
JM: What was the visiting environment like? DC: Bascially, the visitor sits behind a glass.
There's a speaker there for you to talk. There's
no way for any type of physical contact - no hugs,
handshakes or anything. Keith: All Jails have glass partition. Although the New
Jail is best because you get to use a phone and
your own visiting room. Green Bay sucks because
you have to hollar through the sides of the
window and usually can't hear over the guards.
The Old Jail is OK if no one else is visiting.
Otherwise you have to speak and listen through a
metal hole in the glass. Joe: ok,private. Heidi: very cramped behind a glass Dillon: Unknown. Kami: jail Linda: I was in a booth on the phone Gregg: The visiting enviroment was non private. It is
separated by a thin wall from the next inmate beside
me so you can hear every word the other inmates are
saying which made it hard to communicate with your
own visitor who was there to see me. The way you
communticate is through a glass wall using a phone. Matthew: I am unsure of the visiting environment because I did not have
visitors. From what I know, the environment had glass and a chair
on each side, one for inmates and one for visitors. there was a
phone so inmates could communicate with their visitors. I don't
believe the phones were tapped. Damon: In Tarrant County Jail the visitation was not so good
because you had to see your visitor between a glass
and talk to them through a telephone. The visitation in
Hutchins state jail was really good. I was a trustee so I
got to have open visitation outside. And my family
should bring quarters for me to use in the vending
machine David: It was booths with chairs and glass. I sat on one
side with a telephone and who ever was visiting
me sat on the other side with one. The glass was
bullet proof and it was noisy and sometimes hard
to hear what my visitor was saying. No skin
contact. Justin: The visiting environment was in a small,
phone-booth-type enclosed area. A piece of thick,
shatter-proof plexiglass separated the offender
from his or her visitor(s). Communication was had
through wired phones that hung on each side -- one
on the offender's wide and two on the visitors
side. Cameras recorded all movement and activity
in or around the visitation booth. Steve: The visiting environment was very noisy at times
but empty and quiet at other times. Sometimes I
would be called to visit at the same time as one
of my cellmates and we would be in connecting
booths so it was like a family reunion so to
speak. There are rules to the visiting area but
they aren't strictly enforced for the most part. Jack: It smelled like a old attic. Cold Springs is a
elementary turned into a jail. Like we need less
schools and more jails. The old auditorium is now
the visitation area now. The free people are along
the wall and then there's another wall half solid
and half glass, at the bottom of the glass are a
bunch of tiny whole where you talk through. Rachel: It was unsanitary and no
privacy. The visitors and
the inmates were so
disrespectful they would
literally look over in the
next booth to see what the
other people looked like.
The visitors would let
there kids run around and
people would leave dirty
diapers in the visitor side
of the booth Conrad: a small room which you guys are secluded
and separated by a plexi glass shield.
You talk on a 2way phone in green bay
utvwas kinda different it was open. Still
a glass shield but no doors or phones
allowed so it was less private I prefer
visiting in the county John: Visitation was pretty loud during peak times, and you had to
talk on a phone with a thick piece of glass between you and
the visitor. Usually one of the Corporals would patrol the
area to make sure everyone was following the rules. Females
couldn't wear skimpy clothes and the use of phones or other
devices was not allowed. Ted: It was small booths with a chair
and a phone. Not much privacy on
the visitors side and was pretty
much filthy. Other visitors would
look over to see what the inmates
looked like and most yelled so you
couldnt hear during your visit.
People left dirty diapers and let
their kids run wild