Interview with DC, Keith, Joe, Heidi, Dillon, Kami, Linda, Gregg, Matthew, Damon, David, Shelley, Justin, Steve, Jack, Rachel, Conrad, John and Ted
JM: How many meals did you get per day? DC: 3 meals per day. Keith: Breakfast at 4:30 am. Lunch between 11 and
11:30. And dinner around 4:30 pm. Joe: 3 Heidi: 3
Dillon: 3 if u were in your pod. If u were out for any
reason u got 2 cold carls budding looking meat and
cheese sandwich with no dressing and 2 cookies I
just ate the cookies. Kami: 3 Linda: 3 Gregg: I got 3 meals a day Matthew: I received three meals per day. Damon: In Tarrant County Jail and Hutchins state jail you got
three meals a day and that is it. David: we got three meals a day Shelley: Three x day. Justin: We were served three meals each day: Breakfast at
4:30 a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m., and dinner at
around 4:00p.m. Steve: I received 3 meals a day. Breakfast in the 4
o'clock hours of the a.m., lunch right before
noon and supper around 5 p.m. Jack: We got three meals a day. Rachel: 3 small meals were provided
at 4 am 10 am and again at
4 or 5 pm Conrad: 2hot meals and a sandwich John: They served 3 meals a day. Ted: We were fed 3 times
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. DC: Disgusting. I usually gave mine away to a roommate
in exchange for oranges. Now that I think of it,
most inmates in there didn't like oranges or any
other type of fruit, so I always ended up with it.
That's probably how I lost so much weight in there. Keith: Barely enough to survive. Too much soybean meat.
The poor food drives up commissary sales. Joe: bad,bland,same thing all the time. Heidi: awful Dillon: ABout a 6. Kami: crappy but it seemed to get better or i was in
there too long Linda: Crap covered in Glop. Too many Carbs Gregg: I would rate the food and drinks as very nasty. Most
of the time it is frozen dinners that most of time
was not fully cooked and still cold in places of the
meal and you get a very small nasty drink to go with
it served by very nasty looking people. Matthew: the food would be rated as a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. the same meal
was given to us 3 times a day. Each time we would receive a napkin,
fork, tray chicken pot pie. The pot pies were the small pot pies,
probably the 50 cent pies you see at the store. They werent filling
at all. Damon: The food in Tarrant County Jail really was gross. All the
food was processed bull crap and never fresh. They
serve the trays to you in your dorms so you never got a
hot meal. it was either cold or lukewarm. In Hutchins
state jail the food was fresh and not so much processEd
because they gave you real hamburger meat chicken or
pork it all came from the animals that was grown on the
farms in prison. The desserts were made in the kitchen
from scratch. David: The meals got a 0 on a scale of 1 to 10. It was
cold and gross. The burro's were sometimes still
frozen. With out a doubt the meals were the worst
part. My breakfast was always runny looking and
on Tuesdays they always served tacos which
weren't to bad. Shelley: -0- Food was ALWAYS cold and never tasted good.
Breakfast:cold grits, cold soggy waffles, 1 dry cold sausage
link. Lunch:brown bologna & cheese sandwich.
Dinner:breaded chicken patty with gravy & mashed potatoes.
All cold. Justin: The food was decent-tasting but the servings were
very small. I would eat every bite of my food
each meal, averaging less than five minutes per
tray. Offenders who did not have money on their
accounts to purchase commissary items would
literally stand beside the trash van where empty
trays were stacked next to and taken the trays and
any uneaten foods contained on them from offenders
as they finished. Steve: The food is terrible. There is no seasoning on
any of the food and there isn't any actual meat.
They don't even serve fish and the servings are
fit for a pre teen. Sometimes the food was
warm. I received 2 trays during supper because I
was a trustee but it didn't make the food taste
any better. I would improvise when I could and
put seasoning from Ramen noodles on some of my
food. Jack: I wouldn't even call it food so there's no scale to
rate it on. All of the so called meat is soy, I
think everything was soy. Every day of the week was
the same thing breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of
it was blan and tasted horrible. Just nasty!! Rachel: It was nasty but unless you
went to commissary you had
no choice but to eat it.
They served some kind of
patties that were supposed
to be meat that gave you
gas and it made your
stomach swell up. Plus the
portions were too small to
get full much less stay
full Conrad: 0
The food is horrible you can never tell
what it is
The portions are small
And you usually don't even want to eat it
I usuLly teDed my food for a snack but
even that wasn't always possible because
no one really wants it so you better be
prepared to lose a few pounds John: Chow was usually really bland, and any bread that they
served was dry. On days that they served cake I would soak
it in cool-off (generic cool aid) to moisten it up. I think
anything that looked like meat was soy, but they had some
decent renditions of sausage and chicken salad. The things
you could make from the commissary cart were better
alternatives, though. Ted: The food was awful. The portions
were small and enough to feed a
child on a school lunch tray. They
had no flavor and the meat was soy
or something and if it got wet it
would swell two times its normal
size. It also gave you bad gas and
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? DC: Favorite - none.
Least favorite - salisbury "steak", and whatever
nuclear waste that was on top of the instant
mashed potatoes. Keith: Breakfast is waffles with peanut butter. Lunch
and dinner has to be chicken patties. Joe: yea,breakfast on fridays,cereal,coffee cake
peanut-butter,oatmeal,oranges,milk,coffee. Heidi: mystery meat Dillon: no Kami: sunday morning Linda: I like the beans and Rice Gregg: There is definently no favorite meals, just meals
that i had to eat or i would die of starvation. Most
meals were still cold Matthew: Since all meals were the same, and I already rated that meal as a 1, i
would say that all three meals were my least favorite. Damon: In Cherokee County Jail my favorite meal was the hot link
tray. In Hutchins state jail my favorite meal was the peanut
butter pancakes. David: My favorite meals were the tacos, my least
favorite was always the breakfast foods. its
nothing like what mom used to make. Shelley: All bad. Justin: My favorite meal at the jail was breakfast each
Friday. This meal included cereal, milk, oatmeal,
a coffee cake, and fruit. My least favorite meal
was the pot pie which included leftover veggies
from the previous few days baked together in a
crusty batter. Steve: I grew to be fond of the chicken fried steak meal
which we dubbed "chicken fried fake". Also,I
favored the waffle and peanut butter breakfast
tray but not enough to return to lock up. Jack: They were all my least favorite. Eww! My favorite
was the last one. I don't think a dog would eat it. Rachel: Any of the meat was my
least favorite. The women
called it mystery meat or
schmeat and would try to
gross the new people that
came in out because if you
put the meat in water it
would swell up Conrad: no I didn't like any of it
I would not reccomend this to my dog so
you know its bad . John: The chicken salad and sausage links weren't too bad. I liked
the Friday breakfast of frosted flakes cereal, crumb cake and
biscuits with apple jelly. Ted: Least favorite was a meaat patty
that was either called schmeat or
mystery meat. It was not something
i would feed a dog
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? DC: Yes, if you bought them on commissary.
Commissary's expensive though, so don't go overboard. Keith: You can buy inflated items off of commissary. Joe: no.get for real! Heidi: no Dillon: yes Kami: store Linda: Commisary Gregg: Yes sometimes we could buy snacks if you had money
on your jail account in which i rarely had money on
my jail account so i rarely got to buy snacks and
yes they are more expensive than you would buy at
the store Matthew: there were other snacks offered and there was also a commissary
but I did not stay long enough to have any relations with the other
snacks offered or the commissary process and / or its pricing. Damon: There was no snacks offer. The commissary in Tarrant
County Jail was a rip off because they offered you products
that are 8 times the amount or more. In Hutchins state jail
the commissary was really good because the prices were
really cheap and they had a lot to offer. The only problem
was is that you had to stand in line outside in the elements David: No snacks but you could buy food. It was
extremely expensive but worth it If it wasn't for
Ramon noodles while I was in jail I probably
would have starved to death. No jokes Yuck. Shelley: Commissary kept me alive. You could purchase regular snacks
and soups, tea, cocoa. About $1 for candy bars & soda. Chips
& soups were $2. Justin: Snacks were offered to diabetics who needed them
to prevent diabetic episodes each evening. These
included a bologna or peanut butter sandwich and a
milk. The commissary came daily, Monday thru
Friday. Items they sold included chips, noodles,
meat packets, candy, coffee, writing materials and
hygiene items. Prices were 150-300% higher than
the same items sold to citizens at grocery stores. Steve: There are never any snacks offered outside of
meals. My only snacks were my commissary. Items
purchased from commissary are more expensive than
items purchased in society. They offer premium
snacks like sodas and ice cream at a more
expensive rate than commissary. Honey buns and
pretzel pieces were my preferred snacks. They
don't have a checklist of commissary items
anymore so you have to write out a list or
memorize the items you want to purchase. Your
inmate i.d. serves as a debit card. Jack: Yes, you got commissary Monday thru Friday at 5 am
in the mmorning. Commissary had a bunch of crap that
was bad for you but at least it tasted good. The
jail is making a killing off inmates buy commissary.
Way to expensive Rachel: Snacks were offered only to
the diabetics and pregnant
women. The commissary was
ok it had a good selection
of things but was very
expensive and it did not
come on the weekends. You
were only allowed 30 a day Conrad: yes
Commissary was sold once every morning
they scan your u.d and give you the
balance on your inmate account the snacks
are pretty expensive and off brand so
really not worth it but it's way better
than the food John: For people with diabetes they'd serve a snack of bologna
sandwiches and oranges every evening, and the food you
could by from commissary was good, but about double
normal retail prices, so it was hard to buy much at a time. Ted: If you were diabetic they offered
snacks. The commissary had a good
selection but it was very
expensive. The daily limit was 30
but was not hard to spend 100 or
more a week. Only came mon thru fri