Interview with DC, Keith, Joe, Heidi, Dillon, Linda, Gregg, Matthew, Damon, David, Shelley, Justin, Steve, Jack, Rachel, Conrad, John and Ted
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: DC: N/A Keith: "GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT". The Judges, the
DA's and the court appointed attorneys all work
for "Tarrant County". You don't get to meet
your "court appointed" attorney until your first
court appearance, usually three two to four
weeks. You will also get your first plea
bargaining offer then. If you do not accepy it,
get ready for set offs. They make it a habit to
leave you in their jail until you accept
something. After being there for one to two
YEARS they will offer time served to avoid
trialsand get Tim Curry a conviction. The only
way to get a court appointed attorney to do
anything is to do the legal work yourself in the
jail law library. Even then the court appointed
attorney has to set it for a hearing and usually
won't. The only way to get a court appointed
attorney to do his job is to FILE A STATE BAR
GREIVANCE. Joe: i dont know much about that,parole violations dont
have to mess with all that! Heidi: don't remember much Dillon: I saw a judge by video who told me what I was
there for. No lawyer no court date set. Just
sitting in limbo. Linda: They take you in a cramped room with up to 6
other women ( they keep you seperated from the
men) and your attorney comes in and talks to
you. Usually trying to have you take the worst
offer without a fight. Gregg: this jail is so big that it took i believe 3 weeks
to even see the judge for presentencing and we were
all brought in a courtroom at the jail and we were
all called one by one to the judge for presentencing
and find out what our time served is. Matthew: I saw the judge and she told me the length/details of my sentence.
No one would tell me a date and I just waited around until they got
to me. The only thing I was told was that I wouldn't see a judge for
at least another 5 days because the judge was on vacation. Damon: I was at the Mansfield facility for about
five to six days to
wait to go to Tarrant County. The floors
were so filthy it was
unbelievable. I had to sleep on a dirty
floor. They would not
let me take a shower Or brush my teeth
or any soap to wash
my hands. When I went to the Tarrant
County jail facility I
was automatically put in as a trustee
because of my previous
good behavior. David: Before moving over to Green Bay, I was in Tarrant
County Jail for two days. I was serving the rest
of my probation from my DWI. I was transferred by
a van with several other guys. It felt like it
was a long smelly trip that took forever. The
arrival was scary. Shelley: No pre-sentencing. Probation violation on a DWI charge. Justin: The procedure in Tarrant County depends on the
plea. If one pleads not guilty and is later found
guilty at a bench or jury trial, or if he pleads
guilty in what is known as an "open plea" -- a
pre-sentence investigation (PSI) is conducted by
the Tarrant County Community Supervision
Department (who also supervise probationers
throughout the county). The PSI includes a victim
impact statement, if any exists, as well as
information regarding the offender's education
level, work history, criminal history, and the
facts concerning the instant offense for which
he/she was found guilty. The judge or jury --
depending on which of the two the defendant chose
to issue the sentence -- then considers all the
information presented in court and in the PSI to
determine the sentence to be given. Steve: It's pretty much the "waiting game" unless you
are bonded out. An inmate may sit in a holding
cell for an hour to 16 hours waiting on
arraignment. After arraignment you will be
transported to city jail where you will wait to
be transported to county jail. Then you will sit
in another holding cell for hours waiting on your
turn to see the judge. Jack: I had to show up for court five times and wait in
the court room for hours. Finally got to see the
judge and it was over in four minutes. Talk about
wasting everybody time. Rachel: I was ordered bond
probation and was required
to take random u/a's. The
woman who tested the
females would call the p.o.
that I was assigned to to
let her know if i passed or
failed. Sometimes they
would swab my mouth and
test my urine. If she
thought my sample was
diluted she would make me
wait hours sometimes before
she would take another
sample. Once i was in tears
waiting to give another
sample and asked her to
call my. P.o. and when she
finally did they both told
me to quit crying and if i
went to the restroom before
i gave a sample i would be
revoked and have to sit in
jail until my court date. I
eventually gave a dirty u/a
and i went to my bond
revocation hearing and had
to go to tarrant county
belknap facilty for 3 weeks
before i was sentenced. Conrad: it was slow and dreadful d how me and a
whole thing with about 5 other guys one
which was extremely drunk and I read that
once you enter the jail things get much
worse W but not worth than the 2
sandwiches at intake with hard bread and
moldy meat John: Pre sentencing was pretty easy, I knew I was guilty, so it was
just a matter of a couple of court date to work out what kind
of deal was best for me at the time. The judge in my
courtroom was more than fair after I eventually violated my
probation. Ted: I was arraingned a few hours after
I arrived. I was arraingned in a
room with other men and the judge
was on a computer screen. We did
not go to a court room or get
arraingned in person. I was
informed of my charge and that i
xxx ould have a court appoinred
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. DC: No Keith: No. And the only reason they would ask you
questions is so you will incriminate yourself.
It's best to refer them to your attorney. Joe: oh yea, many times,no questions! just busted! Heidi: no Dillon: The came to the house to arrest me. Linda: yes Gregg: yes the police came by my apartment and told me i
had a warrant out for my arrest and put me in
handcuffs with no explanation and put me in the back
of the police car and hauled me on off to the jail
which was a long ride coming from dallas. Matthew: no. I was pulled over for a traffic violation and when my license was
run, it showed that I had a warrant for a $19 bad check. The
warrant was the cause of my arrest. I was with a friend and they had
to drive my car home and call my wife. Damon: The police did not come to my house.
What happen was, I
was shoplifting in Walmart. I went to the
self check out and
what I was doing is I was scanning one
item and having
another or two items behind it. There
was a camera directly
above me and the security was watching
me. I had a total of
23 items in my cart and I only paid for
12. When I walked
out of the store a Walmart employee and
a police officer
came up behind me and demanded to
see a receipt for
everything in the cart. Then they found
out I didn't pay for
everything charge me with theft. The
police officer call my
name in and found out I had priors. My
charge was
automatically enhance to a felony charge
because of two
other priors. David: No police stopped by my house for any type of
questioning. I got pulled over and charged with a
DWI but got off with just probation. Inside my
car I had a breathalyzer, that I had to blow into
each time, well after I blew positive so many
times my probation officer booked me in. Shelley: Had to report to court for probation violation. Justin: After a long argument over the spare keys to my
brand-new Kia, my girlfriend refused tom return
them to me. I then told her I was going to call
police and have them determine who was entitled to
the keys (the car is exclusively in my name).
Realizing she was going to lose this argument, she
phoned police before I could get my cell phone to
power up and told them that I had hit her
repeatedly and wouldn't stop. Though these was
not as much as a scratch or mark of any kind on
her body, police pulled me out of the bed that she
and I shared and took me to jail, charged with
assault-family violence. Steve: I was pulled over due to my inspection sticker
being outdated. That's when I discovered there
was a warrant for my arrest and I was taken into
custody at that time. The officer was
surprisingly down to earth. He and his partner
allowed my vehicle to be picked up by a relative
which saved me hundreds of dollars. Jack: Within the four minutes that I got with the judge I
chose to turn myself in that day. You're arrested
right away. Rachel: I was leaving my mothers
house after taking her
groceries. When i was
leaving i noticed a car
that was following me with
no headlights. I began to
drive around the
neighborhood of blue mound
and had my husband on
speaker phone. I came to a
stop sign and i noticed the
car suddenly stop and a cop
car came up fast. The
officer got out yelling at
me and told me to get out
of the car. The whole time
had his weapon aimed at my
face. He kept asking for my
insurance and i began to
have an anxiety attack. I
had my husband on speaker
still in the car. I finally
yelled in the car and told
my husband to bring my
insurance card. The officer
yelled and asked who i was
talking to. I told him my
husband had been listening
the whole time. He then
pushed me up against the
car and cuffed me. He put
me in the back of his car
and then began to search my
car. He came back with a
bag that had meth in it and
asked me if it was mine. I
replied no and he took me
to the blue mound jail. He
never told me what i was
pulled over for. I didnt
know until i was arraigned
at midnight the next day Conrad: Me and my brother got into an argument at
the time we were both teens and it was
very common this day the argument
escalates an we got into a fifgr and the
neighbors called the police and once they
got there they seen a little scratch on
his eye and detained me John: I was initially stopped for a DWI, and arrested after refusing
to perform the field sobriety test. After a while, I fell behind
on my court costs and the Judge issued a blue warrant for
my arrest, and a deputy did come and arrest me at work.
Almost a year into probation, I wanted to get revoked and
just sit my time out, so my CSO arranged for me to be
arrested at the Community Supervision Office in downtown
Fort Worth. Ted: No, i was not aware of the charges
because they were out of houston. A
neighbor and i shared a storage
shed that was at our duplex and she
cakked police stating i took her
tire. Once the cops arrived they
arrested me for theft of property
and i found out i had warrant in
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. DC: I went to court 2 days after I was arrested. I had
a judge that did NOT play. No talking, no gum,
dress nice, and no backtalk. Keith: Manipulated. The Judges, the DA's and court
appointed attorneys are AGAINST you and work
for "TARRANT COUNTY". They try to heard as many
people through court as possible. There own
websites show over 11,000 cases a month. That's
20 working days. 550 a day. Joe: n/a parole. Heidi: very scary Dillon: As above by video. No information of any use provided. Linda: You dont get to go to court unless you are
getting probation or going home. So I plead
guilty and went before the judge adn did as my
attorney said. Gregg: Court is a very long a boring process as you have to
wait until its your turn to be seen by the judge to
get your sentencing and tell him how you plea. There
were so many people it literally took hours to see
the judge for myself to see what my sentencing was. Matthew: Court was short and there wasn't any 'trial' for what I had done,
they pretty much just told me the details of the sentencing. That is
all, it was pretty much uneventful. I did not have a lawyer at that
time, I didn't get one until later and she worked things out. Damon: I was very happy on how the court
handled my case. They
gave me a court appointed attorney
because I could not
afford one for myself. The judge,
attorney, and the DA
negotiated on my case and I ended up
getting a year of time.
I was happy with how the courts handle
my case because
they handle it according to the law
David: Court was a long boring process. I remember it
being extremely intensive especially when I had
to go in front of the judge. I remember the guy
next to me crying and my public defender telling
me to remain calm and plead guilty in hopes of
getting a lighter sentence so I did. Shelley: No issues with the court. Cut and dry. Justin: I was originally taken to "court" during the first
week after my arrest, to complete an interview
concerning my ability to pay for an attorney. I
was denied an attorney because of the amount of
money I earned the previous year. I was taken to
another such interview two weeks later, when,
because of my no-income status while sitting in
jail, I was approved for and appointed an
attorney. I went to a third "court" appearance,
where I met my lawyer who visited me in the
court's holding cell outside the courtroom. My
lawyer notified me of the State's initial plea
offer of 30 years, to which I vehemently declined.
I never actually stepped into any courtroom and
never saw the judge in over three months of being
in jail. Steve: Court was impersonal. I spoke with my public
defender moments before we entered the court room
so I was already aware of my sentence. The judge
brings inmates in 4 or so inmates at a time.
There's paper work to sign and then it's back to
the holding cell I went. Spectators and gossipers
filled the courtroom. Jack: Expensive, a waste of everyone's time. You have to
be there early in the morning and wait on the court
staff to get ready (that's when they feel like it)
and that's just to open the door. Then you go in to
the court room to wait some more. About 1 to 2 hours
later the judge comes out and does roll call, people
who are not there get an immediate warrant for their
arrested. After that you wait for your name to be
called. Rachel: My judge was Sheran wilson
so it was very tense. She
was the type to ask a lot
of questions with the
intention of making a
person look ignorant. She
was very aggressive and
showed no one any
compassion. She put me in
jail on my first court
appearance for coming in
during role call. My name
starts with an A so i was
one of the first called. I
had trouble parking so i
was a few minutes late and
had to serve one night for
disrespecting her Conrad: It was a long and slow process but I did
get to see my family. You. Are not allowed
to speak with em but it's better than
nothing. You are held in a backroom with
the rest of the inmate's until your name I
called but its not all bad John: The worst part about the first court dates was finding a place
to park. It's a busy area in the mornings. But the District
Attorney and my Defense Attorney worked together quickly
and on my second court date I had signed for 2 years on
community supervision. After violating and being arrested
again, going to court was a drug. Shortly after breakfast on
the day of court, me and all of the others were marched to
the holding cells behind our respective court rooms. As
always, the inmates were the last to be brought before the
judge. It was crowded and hot in the holding cell, and the
benches are not the most comfortable. It took forever
before they started taking us back to the jail. Ted: I did not get charged for the theft
of property they couldnt charge me
because they had no evidence of a
tire so i never went to court but
tarrant county could not release me
for 10 days because houston had a
hold on me and did not want me
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Gregg: my original charges was felonly crimal mischief. Matthew: Check Fraud - I wrote a bad check for $19 several years ago to an
electric company and they decided to press charges. I had no prior
history or check fraud and nor did I do any check fraud going
forward. Damon: My original charge was a class C
misdemeanor theft under
$50. Then because of my priors my
charge was enhanced to
theft under 1500 with two priors- state
jail felony. David: DWI were the original, and ended up being
convicted of Shelley: DWI. Justin: I was originally charged by complaint with
assault-family violence. On or about my 82nd day
in jail, a grand jury returned a no-bill, deciding
there was insufficient evidence to return formal
charges visa indictment. All charges were
dismissed a week later. Steve: My original charge was criminal mischief 50-500
and so was my conviction. Jack: I was convicted of dwi Rachel: Possesion of a controlled
substance under one gram
namely meth amphetaminr Conrad: assault with bodily injury on a family
member John: I was charged with Misdemeanor DWI #2, a class B offense
with punishment ranging from 15 to 365 days in jail. I
pleaded guilty and was subsequently convicted of the same
charge Ted: Theft of property and theft by
check. I was never convicted.
Charges were dropped