JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? DC: There was TV, and there were books. That's about it. Keith: New Jail gets recreation (basketball or
handball) every other hour, 24 hours a day. The
old Jail you get to go to rec 3 times a week for
1 hour each time. Green Bay gets rec 2 times a
week for 1 hour. All jails have a TV in each
tank that stays on 24/7. An inmate can also go
to the law library once a week for 1 hour. The
New Jail has GED classes during the week. Joe: gym,dayroom,showers. Heidi: books, tv, classes, church, recreation time, and
cards Kami: tv books and gym which is just an open space really Linda: Church and Counseling or going to the Law Library Gregg: there is a room if you have good behavior you are
allowed to go work out in but the equipment is so
outdated and used up I did not feel safe to use them
so I just did push up and set ups in that room
instead of using the equipment Matthew: you could read the bible, sit, lie down or sleep. there weren't many
facilities available to help pass the time. i was never given the
option to partake in the use of any types of facilities. I was there for
only 5 days so the facilities may have only been available to inmates
there for longer times. Damon: In Tarrant County Jail, every other hour,you were
allowed to
go out into the gym that was connected to the pod.
was also another church programs that you could
You can also go to the day room and watch TV or play
like dominoes, spades, and hearts. In Hutchins state jail
were allowed to go to outside rack about twice a week.
Or go
in the day room and watch TV or play dominoes. David: T.V. helped pass the time a lot, the news is what
was mostly on but every once in a while something
good came on like a rangers game. I also played a
lot of checkers with one of my cell mates and
drew pictures for my little girl. walking helped
too Shelley: Each pod had books (old paperbacks), checkers. You could
buy playing cards from the commissary. Received outdoor rec
on occasion, but volleyball & basketballs were flat. Justin: The cell block I was in (60A) shared an outside
gym with the next cell block over (60B), which we
rotated use of with every other hour. The gym
contained a basketball goal and handball court.
Basketballs and handballs were provided by jail
staff. The handballs lasted quite some time, but
the basketballs were so cheap they would only last
a few days or a week at most, leaving us without a
basketball until the following month when the next
basketball would be passed out (done monthly). Steve: They have a gym with 3 or 4 basketball goals in
there. They have a library and a law library.
An inmate could attend religious services with
the Chaplin. Being a trustee and being called to
visit helps pass the time. It's not a country
club or a summer resort. Jack: We worked at the laundry or at the other facilities.
When you worked at the laundry, you would work
Monday thru Friday from 6 am to 2 pm. You get up in
the morning and get on a bus to get to the laundry
facilitie. Once you get there you have to be in that
extremely hot building all day. Rachel: Where i was housed boons
were brought if requeated
and 2 times a week we were
allowed rev for 30 mins at
a time. We had to go
individually. And were
shackled at our ankles and
wrists. We could play
basket ball or volleyball.
We were allowed to walk
laps. Conrad: in green bay you can't really do anything
but go to the gym once a week which
sometimes you don't even get dat. In the
county you are allowed to go on the onsite
basketball court almost 24hoyrs a day the
TV stays on most of the night so it sort
of helps John: Recreation time, 1 hour every other day or so, and you could
play hand ball or basketball or just do situps or pushups.
There was a TV in the day room, and lots of tables where
you could play cards or chess or checkers. If you had paper
and a pen, you could draw or write, and there was enough
space to walk around in circles. Ted: The rec area. The library. The law
library. Visitation from 9 to 9.
The tv was in the dayroom which was
in the pod. The only time you had
outside priveledges were library
and rec. They were still in the
building. Church came to the pod
and were volunteers .
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. DC: Well, if you call entertainment books and soap
operas, yes, I had regular access. Keith: TV 24/7. Those who try to control the TV usually
get kited out or their butt kicked. Joe: you either read,or watch shows. Heidi: very fierce Dillon: IT was whatever the blacks wanted usually BET. Kami: i stayed up all night so it wasnt bad Linda: Depends if anyone called to watch a show I never
watched tv so I never cared Gregg: There is a television in general population but the
mexicans control the television as that race was the
dominant race there so all I got to see was spanish
speaking television and the competition was fierce,
i never dared to switch the channel because they
would hurt you if you tried Matthew: There was one tv and the competition seemed somewhat fierce, but
those dominant were the ones that chose the channels. The tv had
only local channels. That was the only level of entertainment made
available to the inmates in this particular cell block. For books, the
only thing available was the bible. Damon: We were allowed to watch TV and we could've asked the
guard if you know we wanted to channel change. But
have to make sure that everybody was okay with it or
going to cause a problem. There was like two tvs to
share a
monk's 58 people so you gotta make sure that you don't
step on somebody's toes while trying to get TV change David: No. Most of the men in my pod were wanting to
watch pretty much the same thing. The only time
we had problems was when the rangers game was on
we all couldn't fit to see the t.v. so that part
was king of frustrating but we seemed to do just
fine. Shelley: TV was available in each pod. About 8 channels. No trouble
with what to watch. Justin: The jail provided televisions on each cell block
and most offenders would enjoy this entertainment.
The channel to be watched,
theoretically-speaking, was decided by popular
vote. However, weaker offenders either would not
vote because they were intimidated, or in the
event of a close vote, they would bow out. The
library also brought donated paperback books to
the cell block every week. Steve: It's a double bladed sword. Entertainment is
television for the most part. Though I never
really indulged, I can say that competition
exists and can be fierce at times. Some C/O's
unknowingly provoke competition and appear to
show favor. Inmates play card games regularly
and that takes some attention away from the
television set. Jack: There's a little tv in the tank but the guards would
always turn it off because they all had god
complexes. If it was on its rare you get to watch
what you want. Someone would take control of the
remote so you would have to get it first. I would
mainly read books. They had cards and chess also. Rachel: No we didnt have anything
but books in rotation but
the new jail had
televisions that were not
loud enough to hear and the
women argued over the.
shows. At cold springs it
was too loud and they
talked louder over the tv
and then they would turn
the tv up to hear over the
voices Conrad: Its okay as far as the basketball court
but I was involved in a bit of a scuffle
with a guy over the remote which led to me
getting shipped to the green bay facility
where I awaited my punishment which was 30
days in the maximum security building
downtown John: It was really laid back in my cell. Most of the time the people
that were watching TV would take a vote as to what to watch.
But rarely was there any altercation over the TV, or any of
the tables to play cards or chess or checkers, a lot of times
the games would get more attention than the TV. Ted: The tv was so high up and the
volume kept so low it was pointless
to watch. Plus the inmates would
have a schedule of things they
wanted to watch. The books were
shared and the rec was twenty four
seven so it was the best pass time
for me
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? DC: No, I actually lost weight there because I didn't
eat the food. Keith: Yes. The guards try to keep you exercising but
those who want to usually do push ups and sit
ups. Joe: yes. Heidi: yes, gained 30 pounds Dillon: Only in 4 a total of 4 days 2 in arlington and 2
in tarrant county. Kami: yes lol Linda: yea gained 20 lbs Gregg: Most of the time yes i did have trouble staying in
shape while i was staying in the jail, there was
minimal exercies and times i could exericise. Matthew: I do not work out so i did not need to regularly maintain any sort of
health routine. I did see others work out with no problems. Damon: In tarrant county Jail I stayed in shape because we
allowed to go to the gym every other hour or work out
our cell. In Hutchins state jail is it was hard to stay in
because you are allowed to go out twice a week and
sometimes you didn't get that because they say they
have enough guards to watch you out on the outside
You could not work out in the day room area or you
your bunk area only outside so when you wanted to
out you was not able to do so. David: No I did my share to keep in shape. Pushups sit
ups and some walking kept me in pretty good
shape. Shelley: Was only there for the weekend but could see how it would be
a problem. Food was terrible. Justin: I did not have trouble staying in shape, as there
was plenty of room to do push-ups, sit-ups and other
recreational activities. Steve: No. Actually, it was somewhat easier to stay in
shape while incarcerated at Green Bay because I
had a lot of free time. Some forms of working
out are discouraged by c/o's. Some inmates
exercise in groups or pairs. I prefer a solo
effort. Jack: Somewhat because you couldn't do any kind of
exercise in the tank. If you weren't in the tank you
were out working. Rachel: Yes because i was confined
to a cell that was about as
big as a bathroom or semi
large bathroom. And they
only called us for rec 2
times a week. Plus i was
taking seroquel Conrad: the food isn't really enough to put a lot
of weight on you due to the small portions
and exercise John: Not in the least. I started walking a lot and doing pushups
and situps. I lost like 30 pounds while I was there. Ted: No I was not in jail long enough
for it to make a difference for me.
I stayed 3 weeks
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? DC: Every other hour. Keith: New Jail is every other hour all the time. Green
Bay never gets to go or see outside. The Old
Jail gets to go outside 3 times a week for 1
hour at a time. Joe: never. Heidi: never Dillon: Every other day. Kami: ever other hour Linda: every other hr Gregg: We did not get to go outside, i think its because
there are so many inmates and compared to the guards
so no one was allowed outside Matthew: we were not allowed outside. for exercise you could walk around or
go to the gym for access if you were allowed to do so. Damon: In Tarrant County Jail I went out about 4 to 5 times a
day. I
would jog, walk, do pushups, squats. in Hutchins state
jail we
were not able to work out indoors only outside. The
problem was we could only go out twice a week and if
had a guard that could watch us so most of the time we
didn't go outside. David: I wasn't aloud to go outside but once a week. I
would walk when I was outside. I wasn't one to
play basketball with the guys. Shelley: For a weekender like me, only offered outside rec for 1 hour
on Sunday. As mentioned, basketballs & volleyballs were flat.
You could walk, job around the field or do push ups and sit-ups
in your pod. Justin: We could go "outside" every other hour for up to
an hour each time. This outside area was an
enclosed area built into the highrise building,
with a fenced-in side wall up high that looked
outside into the city. Steve: There's no outside privileges that I'm aware of
but you could go to the gym sometimes. You could
attempt to run laps around the outer bounds of
the court or do jumping jacks. Jack: If the guards felt like taking us outside we would
get one hour out there. You could either walk in a
circle around the yard or play basketball. Rachel: I was not allowed outside
at belknap but at cold
springs they have an
outside rec yard. I was
there on a 6 day sanction
and not segregated for
those days. We were allowed
to walk laps and play
basketball. Some ladies
stretched and worked out Conrad: Never even left the cell in green bay
unless it was visitation. Downtown you can
go on e basketball court almost for an
hoyr at a timeall day John: Downtown it was every other hour you could go outside,
Cold Springs it was an hour everyday. You could play hand
ball or basketball or just do situps or pushups or jog around
the area. But no weights or anything. Ted: Rec had screens but not an outside
rwc area. The floors were at the
top of the tower. Rec was 24/7
rotated hourly per pod
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? DC: Yes, they did. I believe they were once a week. I
didn't attend, so I'm not sure. All I remember is
that a group of people with bibles would come in,
gather all the inmates up who wanted to be a part
of the services and find some tables away from
everyone to conduct services. Keith: There are lots of volunteer chaplains. In the
New Jail chaplains would hold service in each
tank on Wednesdays and Sundays. In Green Bay
they go to the gym. I'm not sure about the Old
Jail. Joe: no. Heidi: yes, they made us feel like people again-
different groups from the outside would come in Dillon: Wasn't there long enough. Kami: on sundays it was like church Linda: Sundays and Wed if the ladies showed up Gregg: No the jail does not offer church services nor will
they give you a Bible to read while you site and
wait in jail. Matthew: I am not aware of any church services that tarrant county jail
offered to the inmates. There may have been some, but I did not
participate. Damon: Both Tarrant County Jail and hutchins state jail offered
church services. They are both spiritual. Hutchins state
jail had more spiritual classes to offer and church
services. In Tarrant County Jail there was one church
service on Sunday morning. In Hutchins state jail there
was three church services 1 on Sunday morning and
Sunday evening and one Wednesday evening all lasting
about 2 and half hours long. David: They did offer church services but im not sure
when they were held im not a religious person but
im sure they were ok. Shelley: Was not offered or informed of church services. Justin: The jail did not have church services per say.
What they did have was every Tuesday night for
about an hour or so volunteers would come onto the
cell blocks and sit at tables with those offenders
who wanted to join for Bible study and prayer. Steve: Yes, Green Bay offer church services. I'm not
sure when or how often they were held because I
never attended. Jack: Yes they offered church services. The jail would
hold it for one hour in the morning. I never went to
it. Rachel: They did not have services
out of the pods that i was
ever aware of. They did
have bible studies that
volunteers brought in and
some of the volunteers
stayed and had a bible
study in the pods. They
also gave us bibles and
devotionals. Faith to
faith. Was the devotional Conrad: The pastor was a hypocrite who barely
showed signs of being a christian it was
really more of a joke than Anything John: They had different services every Sunday, in English and
Spanish, and a few times a week they had Bible Study
groups, again, in English and Spanish, and there was a guy
that would bring study guides to the cells. Ted: They had volunteers come in the
pods and there were bible studies.
Some had their own studies and
group times