Interview with Jon, Sabrina, Ronchie Boy, Gary, Lance, Seth, Liz, Nate, Duane and Aaron
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Jon: Facilities? well theres a concrete block that
you can walk around in. Its kinda outside. we
usually play cards, dominoes or watch tv Sabrina: nothing oh well you could whatch some tv and
clip your toenails and shower Ronchie Boy: the rec area had cards, board games, tv, and a
little concrete area where you could walk around
in a circle. Gary: just a tv and a shower they did have some AA
and NA groups stop by at times and bible study
groups other than that they had church once a
I do remeber seeing a small law library but no
one was ever in it I dont think it was ever used
just for show mostly Lance: You could do 3 things only to pass the time....
Sleep, Read, or Watch TV.... Seth: There isnt much to help pass time. some things we
could do when we were out of our cells were watch
tv, play cards, play dominoes, and they had some
board games. they even had chess. we had a library
cart and every Tuesday they would bring a new one
in. Liz: there was an open area were you could make phone
calls play cards or get a book. there was also a
concrete area about 12 by 20 that was enclosed
outside that you could walk could also take
a shower or get cleaning supplies to clean your
cell during rec time Nate: Well I always wanted to be a trusty to make time go by there
are a lot of different jobs I worked in the kitchen cooking
inmates food an serving it to uniit to unit there also is, laundry
mat , booking cleaners, hallway, ekevater cleanees it made
time pass. Duane: there was a little gym thing, games, tv, and a
mobile book cart. I mostly just read books. also,
we got the local paper so there was the crossword
to do. other than that we cleaned the dorm, the
bathroom, and the common room. we looked forward
to commissary like Christmas. Aaron: I worked in the kitchen which REALLY helped pass
the time (PM Kitchen 1200-1900 or so). We also had
more to eat and a little bit better food, albeit I
lost 17 lbs on my 2 month stay.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Jon: U have to call winner and when the other person
or team losses you get to play. Sabrina: entertainment? NO! Ronchie Boy: Everybody pretty much watched the same shit,
sports, My name is Earl, Discovery chanel, Gary: two tv's per block competition was very fierce,
they volume was so low no one could hear it
because the officer on the floor controled it
and wanted to be able to hear what every one was
talking about any type of cards had to be bought
through a commisarry and they were scarce Lance: What Entertainment?? There is none... everyone
usually just sits around and watches TV Seth: yes competition was quite fierce. i noticed a lot
of people in snohomish county like to watch gold
rush and shows like they because they all work
outdoors and things of that sort. lets just say i
like jerry springer and the court shows cuz thats
what i grew up on, it was like no chance in hell
at all to be able to watch those for some reason i
still dont know. hahaha. usually i try to avoid
the tv tho. Liz: there was a inspection of cells daily and the pod
that had the best cells were able to watch a late
night movie on Saturday night once a week. and
once a month the best pod were given pizza for
there movie time.the competition was very fierce
for both events,and made harder if there were a
lot of people that were short timers that didn't
care because they were out of there so fast. Nate: Only entertainment we had were card tabk e or tv an you can
only watch two an a half men so much so I played cards or
doninos a lot an got to get to know my innates talk about life
guards didn't like us talkin about why were there Duane: we all had the same access. we were the lowest of
the inmates in risk level. the bad guys I can
only speculate about. they were locked up 23
hours per day and I do not know what that is. if
they could not read they must be very very bored Aaron: Trustee we had 2 TV downstairs and one TV in the
movie room (DVDs & VHS player). Usually general
consensus picked the TV channels and Movies.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Jon: You dont get to eat well. Sabrina: wasnt there long enough but i did lose a few
lbs. from not eating a thing Ronchie Boy: I actually went from 180lbs to 152lbs. All
thanks to the food. Gary: very hard time no excersize what so ever the
most you could walk was 20 ft or so lust in
flipflops Lance: Not at Snohomish County... I actually Lost
weight... even though they feed you 3 times...
the Portions are small, and the food is
horrible.. it would be pretty hard to get out of
shape there... Seth: surprisingly it is very very easy to stay in shape
in jail. especially in snohomish county because they
give you nice sized portions of food. and you have
all the time in the world to work out. Liz: very, you were made to cell up after every
meal,which ment on your bunk until count was
cleared,usually an hour or more. Nate: Yes beacause all the carbs an gross food they gave us
nothinghealthy so it was gard to stay in shape
Duane: not really. the jerks who insisted in working out
in the dorm were quickly sent away. there was
plenty of time for that in the exercise room. Aaron: No, I walked a lot, ate a moderate amount and
didn't sleep to well so I lost weight.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Jon: U dont go out side really, you have a lil
concrete block to walk around in Sabrina: not once i never even knew what time it was Ronchie Boy: We couldn't go outside outside. We had this
concrete area that let fresh air in, but you
couldn't really see nothing. Gary: yes, if you want to call it that it was an
enclosed 20 by 20 room with a grate at the top
for fresh air no sunlight whatso ever and all
windows were fogged inside and out so you never
got to see outside the concerete Lance: Never went outside.. even though There was a
small space available for it.. and thats because
it was Freezing inside already.. everyone was
just trying to stay as warm as possible... we
couldn't even use our blankets to stay warm
unless we werte laying down... Seth: We didnt ever get to go outside as far as i can
remember. we were within our blocks in our cells or
out watching tv and playing cards all the time. if i
wasnt allowed to go outside i would do push ups and
crunches and leg lifts to excercise. oh and plank
too. Liz: every other day you had access to the "outside"
during rec time,were you could walk the perimeter,
but you couldn't jog ,or just sit or make any
noise or it was locked up and you weren't allowed
out for the remainder of the day. Nate: Well you could go outside every time u got out your xell but of
couse it was caged but if couldn't go out side sir ups an push
ups in my cell Duane: there is no outside in snoco. you can see outside
through the windows. that's all you get. it is a
really ugly big square block building Aaron: We had an enclosed exercise yard we had access to
daily but only cause I was in Trustee land.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Jon: Yes but im neither christion jew or muslim Sabrina: i think so but no one went Ronchie Boy: yea they had a priest, or pastor or by request
other religious people. They were held in you
rec area at your block. Gary: yes they did they were once a week if you were
lucky enough to get your name on the list they
only took so many people Lance: yes they did.. but you gotta sign up for them..
I didn't... so I wouldn't know much about it... Seth: yes the jail offered church services. they were a
really peaceful experience of being in jail. they
were usually held wednesdays and saturdays and
sundays. Liz: they had a non denominational priest come into the
jail a few days a week that you could go to during
rec, and also you could sign up for church
services out side your pod that were available at
the jail. Nate: Yes I believe every wensday and Sunday real cool to hear the
word of gos an to speak to others out of jaik that woukd cone
in an try n helo us Duane: they do. I don't go because I don't do organized
religion. not worth a free beverage. really a
pain in the ass to do anything out of the
ordinary. Aaron: Yes, but with my short stay and working in PMK (PM
Kitchen) I didn't go. Church was on Saturdays from
around 1400-1500.