Interview with Jon, Sabrina, Ronchie Boy, Gary, Lance, Seth, Liz, Nate, Duane and Aaron
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Jon: 20 days Sabrina: i never went to sentencing i took a deal due to
the fact that the court had already failed me. Ronchie Boy: 90 days I did 62. Gary: 121 days work release that never occured Lance: 20 days in Jail.... Seth: i was sentenced to 30 days time served for a month
and a week. my sentencing wasnt long at all. Liz: received 2 twenty two months sentences Nate: Origanly 21 days but I did more Duane: I got the full year. of course 8 months is what
you serve Aaron: 90 days
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jon: Well during booking you are locked in a holding
cell. The holding cell is cold and
uncomfertable. usually mixed races and the phone
dossent work well. Sabrina: no but i did my time until my family made my
bail and i hope no family ever has to go thro
what mine did. snohomish county jail is chaios,
and the staff does not have anything under
anykind of control. Ronchie Boy: I was brought back to classification. Gary: no I was supposed to report to work release but
with the extenuating circumstances i was not
able to so i bonded out and showed back up to
court telling the judge what had happend he did
not want to hear any of it and held me for
custody untill the sentence was up Lance: Yes I was held in a small holding celllocated in
the back of the Courtroom... I had to wait there
until a Sheriff arrived to pick me up. Seth: yes. i would have to wait for everyone else to
finish their court first then i would only go to the
holding cell to wait to be takin back to snohomish
county jail. Liz: yes,after getting sentenced were placed back into
the same holding cell until everyone that had
court at that time was finished.again the holding
cell was all concrete but because it was very
small it was very hot and cramped. Nate: Holding cell is never fun just a waiting game to bring u to a unit
were you will be spending your time super boring with nothing
but a toilet in there Duane: they always put you in a holding cell to observe
the condition you are in. after maybe 8 hours
they haul you up to the general population to
sort you out. Aaron: n/a